Amp Lifetime?


New member
Jun 18, 2013
Milwaukee Area
I'm currently looking at possibly buying two used solid state amps of the same model to use in a monoblock config. One is 7 years old and another is about 2 years old. These amps can run either Class A or Class A/B. What do you guys think about this? Is the age difference too much or doesn't it matter? How long should I expect a well build solid state amp to last before needing a "tune up" at the factory? I know this would probably depend on use, but I'm just looking for general advice...
Casey, great question. i would think it would depend on what parts are used in the amps. I've had amps that are 15 years old easily sounding good to the ear but I can't say I've ever heard a comparison of a new & old amp of the same model side by side.
Yea that sounds a little risky. But it might work if there was no upgrades over that time period.
But i think it rare a company would make a product for that long without improving on something.
Or call the company and ask em. If its feasible . Send em back and have em upgraded to match each other or both to the current model.
Good luck
Yea, I agree with you guys. I bought the two year old one and will try to find second one of a similar age to buy.
Unfortunately, most companies have "un published" so called upgrades to their products.

Some because of sound quality - usually if its a major upgrade they will want to call it a new model for sale purposes.

Some because of reliability issues - the least likely to be found out by the public.

Some because of availability of parts - most likely to be known by public.

Some because the designer is an engineer and can't keep from tinkering. They can't help themselves.

Some of these are good for sound and some are not good for the sound. Only listening tells the truth.

If nothing has changed then common rules of thumbs are to replace the Caps in the power supplies every 10 or so years to remain in top form. And this of course depends of how long they been on etc.