Video Interview with Paolo Tezzon, the man behind the sound of Sonus Faber

Adrian Low

New member
Sep 4, 2014
Toronto Canada
Video Interview with Paolo Tezzon, Chief Designer of Acoustics for Sonus faber

This past October, I was fortunate to visit Sonus faber in Vicenza, Italy, and interviewed the man behind the sound of Sonus faber, Paolo Tezzon. Paolo has been the lead designer since 2006.

Paolo Tezzon studied Work Psychology in University. His passion for music led him to become an audiophile as a teenager. Initially building his own speakers out of necessity, he bought a pair of Sonus faber Minima and fell in love with the company. Paolo joined Sonus faber in 2004, apprenticing under the legendary founder and designer Franco Serblin. After Franco sold the company in 2006, Paolo took over the design responsibilities, and has been responsible for the company’s sonic attributes.

The full video is long, but well worth watching. We discuss his early challenges when he took over the acoustics division, the design process, why flat frequency response is not desirable, the various technologies he patented, why he thinks speakers should not be spiked and more. Click here to watch, and please share this video with fellow audiophiles. I think it’s really great to learn from designers instead of just reading marketing material and reviews. Enjoy! ...

Adrian Low
Audio Excellence
70 Esna Park Drive. Unit 7
Markham, Ontario