Constellation Audio Centaur Monos with ARC Preamp


Mar 2, 2014
I am thinking of matching my Ref 10 with Constellation Audio Centaur Mono amps. I am curious if anyone has tried this combo or maybe the Ref 5SE or Ref 40??? Or, for that matter, any tube preamp experience with the Centaurs would be welcome.

Thanks in advance for feedback,
My reference system is ARC Ref 40 and ARC Ref 2SE with Centaur Stereo. Perfection. Better than with Virgo II as preamp. I can only imagine how the Ref 10 sounds with centaur monos!! I have cycled thru many combos. ARC plus Constellation + Magico is incredible. Arc brings holography and texture. Centaur brings delicacy and power. Magico pairs perfectly with constellation
Thanks Dpod. I have seen some of your comments but I wasn't sure if you had just auditioned or own the combo. It is great to hear you are so positive having lived with them! BTW, I just received an email from Peter Madnick confirming the synergy as well. He indicated certain dealers around the world have taken to matching ARC Preamps with Centaurs.

Thanks again,
Yes I own the arc and Constellation gear. I auditioned and could have purchased the Virgo II. I thought ARC preamp was more synergistic with centaur. More meaty and musical.
Paul, going to hear Constellation and Raidho D3's today...............I'll let you know.

Awesome Mark, I look forward to your comments. BTW, you are an early riser.....posted at 5:41 am; I wake up at that time to roll over and go back to sleep.
Paul, going to hear Constellation and Raidho D3's today...............I'll let you know.

Mark, I know you are in the middle of setting up your new D3's but when you get a second I would love to get your comments on the Constellation and D3 synergy. At your convenience.
I was concerned with matching my ref Anni to the centaur stereo's 20kohm input impedance which is in the lower end of what ARC specifies. This proved to be a non issue and the synergy is excellent. I'll be posting my views on a Virgo 2 audition soon.
I found Virgo 2 to excel at resolution and low level listening. The ref 40 excelled at texture and holography
The Hegel P30 and H30 are truly amazing for their price point. I had both in my system. Sold them tho as the ARC and Constellation were/are in a different league. The Hegel did beat CJ GAT and 350 and Hegel beat VAC preamp and 450S amp. All judgments based on synergy with Magico s5 and Maggie 3.7.