Computer Software Glitches on American's Health Insurance's Website (Obamacare) - John McAfee to the Rescue: ty GOP


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

- John McAfee ^

=> GOP Wants Eccentric Millionaire John McAfee to Fix Obamacare Site - PolicyMic



* It appears that people are having problems with their computers in accessing and navigating and getting the right info and to the right place on Obamacare's site.
So the Republicans (GOP), in their dedication to help, have asked John McAfee, the eccentric millionaire and computer software programming expert, to fix it.
- That should help.
John is definitely right. Its a rip and replace I'm afraid. Going with the lowest bid sometimes bites you in the ass. Private sector learned this, public sector has still yet to learn it. This is a painful lesson.

Hiring Google or Apple to build it would have been a brilliant idea. Even Microsoft would have been better.
Thing is that a Quebec company (Canada CGI Group) was hired (allocated the contract) to develop the site (for $45 millions).

Now over $600 millions later (and with an eventual estimate of $1.3 trillion; when things will be running full steam sometime down the road), the GOP needs a reliable/competent person to fix this huge fiasco, which cost taxpayers a huge lump sum of wasted American's dollars (the American people, the same people who are looking to save and be more healthy).
As my wife said "wait a minute, the Federal government trying to help the America people just outsourced the job to India?"

Hmmm.... She has a point.
Yep, she's right; Americans (government) try to cheapen out. ...Lowest bidder (Canada, China, France, India, Belize, Brazil, ...). :)

But! Please, just google some more John McAfee, who the Republicans (GOP) are asking assistance from!
- Learn some more about him; it is indispensable info to fully realize the extent of the impact/opinion the GOP has on Obamacare's website.

I started this thread because before yesterday I didn't know the full story about that guy; but now I do, and I want you to do the same.
Then you're going to make the connections with the GOP and all that jazz! ...I tell ya, only in America! ...Way of speech.

And I won't even say what I think of this entire affair; I let you free to make your own judgement.
And if anyone is strong enough to share his/her opinion; then I'll participate more intensely/intensively. :)
And I tell ya this some more; it is quite a story!

So far, only you Mike have responded; and only in surface.
I have my own interpretation, and I am fully aware of the various interpretations that this newest development can have on different people, with different ideologies and all that jazz.

It's the latest news man! ...And in my book it's big! :
- They even asked the woman in charge of this affair (Obamacare's site) to resign; but she won't!
{I forgot her name*.}

* EDIT: Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.
No sweat; we'll stick with the technical website's difficulties. :) ...Computer software programming related.

Methinks that it was introduced way too fast; they should have taken their time (six months or so).
But then ....

Big Canadian CGI Group company (main office located in Quebec) is taking a beating because they are responsible for developing Obamacare's site. ...This was the company hired to do that, and it is a HUGE International company.

As for John MacAfee; no way this guy's going to restore the site. ...He has way too many issues of his own right now; like fleeing the justice system from several countries!
Yes, at one point (he made $100 millions selling his anti-virus software company) he was some type of hot shot genius. ...He then retracted into the dark side ....
And that's why I asked you to do some research about him. His story is related to the computer world, and to the dark side as well.