Mytek new DAC/Streamer/Pre

I guess we need to define "ultra expensive." If you want to call the new Mytek "ultra expensive," what do you call the MSB Select II?

The best. [emoji4]

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I guess we need to define "ultra expensive." If you want to call the new Mytek "ultra expensive," what do you call the MSB Select II?

I consider any component that is $20,000 as ultra expensive :D.... But, I absolutely love Mike's reply :P, the best, sure, insane... absolutely :)...

Then again, if you can afford a quarter million dollar system then I guess $20k would not be considered ultra expensive. For normal hard working people, with way above average incomes $20k is extremely high for an audio component :). I think there may be one or two people in our audio club of over 100 that would even consider a component that cost $20k, and neither would consider a Mytek product :roflmao:.
I consider any component that is $20,000 as ultra expensive :D.... But, I absolutely love Mike's reply :P, the best, sure, insane... absolutely :)...

Then again, if you can afford a quarter million dollar system then I guess $20k would not be considered ultra expensive. For normal hard working people, with way above average incomes $20k is extremely high for an audio component :). I think there may be one or two people in our audio club of over 100 that would even consider a component that cost $20k, and neither would consider a Mytec product :roflmao:.

I’m glad you crack yourself up. You are a funny dude. Sounds like you are in the right audio club. According to you, only two people out of 100 would consider a component that costs $20k and you just happen to know that neither of the two would consider a Mytek component.

Did your audio club members take a survey to show how much each member is willing to spend on audio gear and which brands they would buy or are you the oracle for your audio club?
Why our audio club is not much of an avenue for sales for me.

I could tell you stories. The best is the guy who came to one of my events and stuffed his pockets with subway sandwiches. He even took the mustard and mayo containers. Wish I had pics.

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You need video surveillance :)

I have it! HD and all. Cameras everywhere. I should have gone back and looked. Too funny. You know how I caught him?

There were about 4 subs remaining after everyone ate. I was staring at the table and said “wow, someone actually ate the veggie subs!” I turn and look and there is this guy with a big shit eating grin on his face and he proceeds to pull them out of his big baggie pants pockets. I couldn’t stop laughing. He then says “can I take home the left over mustard and mayo?” No kidding.

Yeah, he’s surely not going to buy a $20k DAC!

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Why our audio club is not much of an avenue for sales for me.

I could tell you stories. The best is the guy who came to one of my events and stuffed his pockets with subway sandwiches. He even took the mustard and mayo containers. Wish I had pics.

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Sounds about right Mike. Seagulls flock to free food, but this guy takes the cake.
If either of these built their reputation on $2k products and then all of a sudden offered a $20k product using the same chip I would be just as suspicious of them.

Their previous top of the range DAC - Manhattan II - is $6000.


You are trying to make your point using their entry level, $2000 DAC, which is a bit misleading. The jump from $6000 to $20.000 doesn't sound as extreme anymore.

I agree that $20.000 is still a lot of money, but in my opinion they are not betting on selling hundreds of them. It will probably be a statement product for them, that should help sell cheaper DACs.

This kind of marketing would not be unique to Mytek.
Their previous top of the range DAC - Manhattan II - is $6000.


You are trying to make your point using their entry level, $2000 DAC, which is a bit misleading. The jump from $6000 to $20.000 doesn't sound as extreme anymore.

I agree that $20.000 is still a lot of money, but in my opinion they are not betting on selling hundreds of them. It will probably be a statement product for them, that should help sell cheaper DACs.

This kind of marketing would not be unique to Mytek.

Adam-You made some rally good points. People also need to remember that this isn’t just a DAC. It’s a line stage and it has a mm/mc phono stage.

I still have the black mastering version of the Mytek Stereo 192 DAC. If the Stereo 192 DAC was a Roon endpoint it would still be in my system.
All of which I did in fact mention. I did actually mention the Manhattan, however Mytek's reputation was built on the $2000 unit. I also mentioned that there are everything and the kitchen sink also in this unit.

It still is a company that has never made a product such as this before and has built their reputation on their $2k DAC/preamp/headphone amp. Add a phono pre and some internal storage and pezam.... $20k :)...

I judge on what people in our audio club will buy and won't buy by what they own and how the deal with gear upgrades. Again making generalized statements but based in fact. And once again people not reading what is actually written and making issues where they do not exist... and once again one person who then starts throwing insults and making big issues when others are having good discussions... why do I even bother having discussions and debating back and forth when one guy always comes in and starts trouble. It would be so nice if we could have good logical discussion, pros and cons, which is exactly what was happening, before one person decided to start throwing persnickety remarks and making it all about him.

Thanks for ruining one more discussion... it is always so nice when you do that.
Their previous top of the range DAC - Manhattan II - is $6000.


You are trying to make your point using their entry level, $2000 DAC, which is a bit misleading. The jump from $6000 to $20.000 doesn't sound as extreme anymore.

I agree that $20.000 is still a lot of money, but in my opinion they are not betting on selling hundreds of them. It will probably be a statement product for them, that should help sell cheaper DACs.

This kind of marketing would not be unique to Mytek.

Adam this may be true and that is why I stated that I would keep an open mind. It does seem like a huge product level jump for the company but flagship design and selling certainly has worked for others in the past. Maybe this is really what Mytek is doing here, we will see.
All of which I did in fact mention. I did actually mention the Manhattan, however Mytek's reputation was built on the $2000 unit. I also mentioned that there are everything and the kitchen sink also in this unit.

It still is a company that has never made a product such as this before and has built their reputation on their $2k DAC/preamp/headphone amp. Add a phono pre and some internal storage and pezam.... $20k :)...

I judge on what people in our audio club will buy and won't buy by what they own and how the deal with gear upgrades. Again making generalized statements but based in fact. And once again people not reading what is actually written and making issues where they do not exist... and once again one person who then starts throwing insults and making big issues when others are having good discussions... why do I even bother having discussions and debating back and forth when one guy always comes in and starts trouble. It would be so nice if we could have good logical discussion, pros and cons, which is exactly what was happening, before one person decided to start throwing persnickety remarks and making it all about him.

Thanks for ruining one more discussion... it is always so nice when you do that.

Who said I “ruined” the conversation? Oh, you did. It seems apparent you never want your statements questioned. You want everyone to accept every statement you make as gospel. If you truly feel that way and evidence shows you do, you picked the wrong hobby.

You really want us to believe that you track the systems of all 100 members in your audio club and you know how much each member is willing to pay for each upgrade in their system?? In your words: “Again making generalized statements”. Of course you are making generalized statements based on your personal beliefs unless your entire audio club is made up of clones.
And here we go again, going completely off topic to create issues where they don't exist...

I try, many times to have nice discussions with you, I even give you compliments when warrantied, etc., yet you constantly start throwing personal insults and snide remarks. I have lost count of how many threads the same thing has happened over and over and over. Good discussion going, someone makes a statement that you may not agree with and you pull out insults and personal attacks and the discussions stop in their tracks.

I wonder why you assumed I was talking about you (I didn't mention you nor even quote you)... oh yea, you have done it so many times... Again, thank you very much for screwing up another discussion.
randy i felt sorry for you when i read thouse comments above.
on the other side, things cost what they cost and we can shake the head or not.
the shity part of our hobby is that it always comes down to how much financial pain you are willing to take.
the good thing is....the sound you get from a 20k unit costs only 2k in a couple of years. (still much to much for quiet anyone i guess)
the other very good thing is, that these days you dont have to lurk for the very best. you get top music from the second league and much lower.

the mytec does look very special, i like it but wouldn take it.
i think every company has the right to trickle up or down...or leave theyr roots completely. try and fail or whatever.
doing the same thing forever is all right as well.
imagine you are the designer of mytec and have a lot of good basics, sure you are thinking about pimping that with high grade power supplies, spectactular casing etc.
randy i felt sorry for you when i read thouse comments above.
on the other side, things cost what they cost and we can shake the head or not.
the shity part of our hobby is that it always comes down to how much financial pain you are willing to take.
the good thing is....the sound you get from a 20k unit costs only 2k in a couple of years. (still much to much for quiet anyone i guess)
the other very good thing is, that these days you dont have to lurk for the very best. you get top music from the second league and much lower.

the mytec does look very special, i like it but wouldn take it.
i think every company has the right to trickle up or down...or leave theyr roots completely. try and fail or whatever.
doing the same thing forever is all right as well.
imagine you are the designer of mytec and have a lot of good basics, sure you are thinking about pimping that with high grade power supplies, spectactular casing etc.

Thank you and honestly, I agree with everything you said. I also feel that a good pro and con debate is not a bad thing and can actually lead to some very good insightful thoughts, and I have in fact had my mind changed from good discussions in the past. I also believe that being respectful is an absolute requirement, especially when having a good pro and con debate.
Boy, a lot of pent up anger and incivility is being bandied about here and over just stuff. Everyone has different value systems. Some don’t feel uncomfortable spending way north of $100,000 for a German sports car but couldn’t fathom spending $25,000 for a pair of speakers. Some would spent $50,000 for a watch but not more than $30,000 for a car. And some would spend $200,000 for a stereo setup and wear a Timex watch and drive a Prius. Different strokes for different folks, right? All it’s about is what you enjoy and that conclusion can only be subjective and in the exclusive domain of the eye and ear of the beholder. Maybe a bit off topic but it amazes me how some can display so much vitriol and hostility over a hobby.
Why our audio club is not much of an avenue for sales for me.

I could tell you stories. The best is the guy who came to one of my events and stuffed his pockets with subway sandwiches. He even took the mustard and mayo containers. Wish I had pics.

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Kidding me! :cool:
I have it! HD and all. Cameras everywhere. I should have gone back and looked. Too funny. You know how I caught him?

There were about 4 subs remaining after everyone ate. I was staring at the table and said “wow, someone actually ate the veggie subs!” I turn and look and there is this guy with a big shit eating grin on his face and he proceeds to pull them out of his big baggie pants pockets. I couldn’t stop laughing. He then says “can I take home the left over mustard and mayo?” No kidding.

Yeah, he’s surely not going to buy a $20k DAC!

Dang... we have ALOT of really, emmm... thrifty, members in our audio club, but none have ever did anything like that. Simply wow...
What people forget in this discussion: The DAC needs to match the audioset. There are specific sets where a cheaper dac then the Brooklyn sounds better, while the same Brooklyn on another set sounds amazing.

This is the reason why my next dac will only be bought when tested on my own set.