MQA Discussion

If you're referring to Hi-Rez beating out MQA, then sure, it's a possibility. The other issue is that this is bad for Tidal and HDTracks as this is both of those sites combined into one.

Also, no mention if they're going to be compatible with Roon, or if they support MQA.

The final nail?

There will be several levels of service and we’re planning a soft launch at CEDIA Expo in September and coming full force as the official streaming partner at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in October.
If you're referring to Hi-Rez beating out MQA, then sure, it's a possibility. The other issue is that this is bad for Tidal and HDTracks as this is both of those sites combined into one.

Also, no mention if they're going to be compatible with Roon, or if they support MQA.

Issue? Qobuz purchasing price for HD content when on Sublime+ will be closer to MP3 prices not the rather expensive HDTracks pricing.

Danny from Roon mentioned yesterday on their forums that they are currently talking to Qobuz. In the link above Qobuz takes a shot at MQA saying no special hardware required and fully unfolded, you can read between the lines.
Oppo just released a firmware upgrade for the Oppo 205 that allows the 205 to fully decode MQA. And it is free!
I see, Hey thanks for the information , thats really good news.

I didn't know this but you can now stream Tidal MQA from a computer connected into the USB DAC. Now that is pretty cool for the 205. I just wish they would have opened up streaming via Tidal internally to the 205 like my 105 will do.

What I got from OPPO today after nic and Jack provided the info.


The player can now decode MQA via the USB DAC input. You will be able to stream Tidal MQA from a computer connected into the USB DAC.

Best Regards,

Customer Service
OPPO Digital, Inc.
162 Constitution Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025

I think the Tidal app woud do you no good if you want MQA? Other than by using Roon, I think you still need to use the Tidal desktop (i.e., computer) app to get MQA?
Say you have a computer connected to the Oppo 205’s USB Audio input. If you run Tidal in the computer and send the Tidal MQA output via that USB connection, then the Oppo 205 will do a full MQA decode.

You have to be connected to the Oppo via the USB Audio connector for it to decode the Tidal MQA track.
EXOGAL Audio announced that they are ceasing development of MQA for inclusion in EXOGAL products.

June 22, 2018. Said Jeff Haagenstad, CEO of EXOGAL: "We have been evaluating MQA technology and watching the wider MQA ecosystem since early 2016. After much research on the fundamental technology and more importantly on the market demand for MQA, we have reached the decision to cease the pursuit of adding MQA to our products for several reasons:

  • Our products by themselves exceed the performance of our products with the inclusion of MQA,
  • Regardless of the breathless hype by the audio press, actual consumer demand is just not there.
  • Regardless of the announced support from record labels, a suitable base of playable content is not widely available.
  • As for the technical details of our evaluation of the technology vis á vis our own technology, we prefer not to violate our NDA’s with MQA and Meridian.
  • Much like Wadia's technology before us, EXOGAL technology is already oriented in the time domain and does not suffer from the time-smearing effect which MQA is supposed to eliminate.
Suffice it to say we were never able to achieve the advertised level of performance using the MQA technology and thus it does not meet our standards for inclusion in our products. Many experts outside of our company have articulately made the case against MQA and we see no reason to elaborate or comment on those findings."

“We will continue to watch the market evolve but for now, we are out of the MQA game.”

  • Regardless of the announced support from record labels, a suitable base of playable content is not widely available.

I find the above statement curious considering that Exogal’s DACs have DSD capability. I wonder if Exogal will reconsider if MGA content approaches the level of DSD content in the marketplace.
I find the above statement curious considering that Exogal’s DACs have DSD capability. I wonder if Exogal will reconsider if MGA content approaches the level of DSD content in the marketplace.

If the database at DSD-Guide is accurate, there are already more MQA albums available than DSD. So I doubt that will have any impact on Exogal's decisions. Then again who cares what Exogal does when the arguably the two best DAC manufacturers (MSB and dCS) are all in.
The EXOGAL press release sounded more like an excuse to cover their inability to successfully implement MQA. Just like Berkley's excuse for not implementing DSD.
If the database at DSD-Guide is accurate, there are already more MQA albums available than DSD. So I doubt that will have any impact on Exogal's decisions. Then again who cares what Exogal does when the arguably the two best DAC manufacturers (MSB and dCS) are all in.

As well as Berkeley. I agree, which made that particular statement curious to me. I’d like to hear them elaborate on that.
The EXOGAL press release sounded more like an excuse to cover their inability to successfully implement MQA. Just like Berkley's excuse for not implementing DSD.

To be fair to Berkeley, no one (aside from maybe dCS and MSB) has successfully implemented DSD and PCM in the same DAC without compromising the sound quality and/or usability of one if not both.