got my new cd player!

Old Bob

New member
May 27, 2016
good morning! especially to jade david

got my new oppo 105 CD player yesterday. wow. the harsh, shrill, treble that I had been hearing is GONE. it was NOT my triode amp, NOT my bowers speakers, it was my cheap cd player. now the sound, especially with two small REL subwoofers, is rich and deep.



do you guys think I should pay for the ModWright modification? would I hear the difference? I DO want a great "soundstage", although I don't understand how the mods would do that. I would think soundstage is more affected by speaker placement, etc.

thanks guys! the oppo IS a FINE UNIT.


The Modwright mods for the Oppo 105 are highly lauded. They should add silkiness/smoothness while retaining the Oppo's detail and resolution, as well as adding width and depth to your soundstage. That's a function of the tubes and circuit design in the analog output stage that Modwright modifies. You should clearly hear a difference but it's hard to answer whether you will find the difference worth it. That's a very personal thing.

I would recommend living with the Oppo as is for a while and get used to its sonic signature and further research the Modwright mods and when you feel an itch to hear something new you can decide at that point to mod or not.

Just my 2c.
Bob......I agree with Cyril. Get to know your new Oppo BDP-105 before making those kind of drastic changes. Something else to consider, you may wish to sell the Oppo player at some time in the future. The new Oppo 4K player is just around the corner. Modified components are more difficult to sell and even more difficult to recover anywhere near what you invested in the mod. If after getting used to your new player, and deciding it's worth keeping for the long haul, then a mod might be worth considering. The Modwright BDP-105 modification and external power supply cost twice what the player costs. That is definitely something to consider before pulling the trigger.
Thanks Bob, glad you are enjoying it. Yes, as has been stated, live with and enjoy it as it is for now.
Instead of the Modwright mod, which is good by the way, may I suggest a different path. When the time comes you may consider adding a stand alone DAC such as a Lampizator L4. They are coming down in price to a reasonable level. It has tubes that you can roll to customize the sound to your liking and has a wide deep enveloping soundstage. You would then use your OPPO as a transport and or back up source if and or when you move on to a computer/streamer/server. Plus the Lampizator would be usable with a streamer/computer/server setup.
The OPPO will change and smooth out some more as it breaks in. Have fun with it.
Lots of choices and options.
I am glad to hear you guys suggesting I think about the ModWright, and a DAC. I do not have limitless funds, but I DO enjoy reading about equipment, even if I never buy it!! I think from reading that Dan Wright does GREAT work, and he was very friendly to me by email.!!

if I buy a DAC, as, a lampizator, then I am using the oppo as transport. I understand that. I THINK the DAC in the oppo is supposed to be pretty good. ???Sabre chip????.

I THINK I could later use streamer/computer/server, with the OPPO DAC???? I just got the oppo, but I think you can plug things into its DAC.

****** my real question is this:

I am interested in the BEST SOUND FOR THE MONEY. my room is 13 by 13, 10 foot ceiling. oppo CD, triode integrated tube amp TRX 88PP, and bowers-willkins CM6 S2 speakers, and two REL T/5i subwoofers. OK, would I be better off, to spend the money and improve my speakers? I do NOT need deafening sound levels, small room, mostly classical music of all types. amp makes 50 watts/channel class A, tube amp. as a beginner, I think now, my weakest sound link is the speakers.

what do you guys think??? my goal is a super great "soundstage" effect. range for 2 speakers: $7500 or less, not electrostatic speakers.
keep the ideas coming!
thank you
Yes Bob, the DAC in your OPPO is a good DAC and you can use it with a Computer/streamer/server with good results.
I responded with the recommendation of a Lampizator DAC in response to you looking into a Modwright mod.
According to their website the Modwright mod is $2495. Where a used Lampizator L4 can be had for $2000 or less.
Using these figures and your desire for a bigger stage I personally would go with the two seperates Vs one modded piece.
Resale value and versatility along with sonic attributes are the primary reasons.
I am not familiar with your speakers and therefore cannot comment on how they fit in the mix.
However speaker/room/listening position interaction and set-up is one of the most important things you can do. These will change all aspects of your sonic presentation. Don't be afraid to move the speakers around and your listening chair. Try even what would seem like unlikely positions. You might be surprised at the results and you will learn from the experience. Plus the price is right. Enjoy and have fun with it.
Congrats Bob, nothing like the smell of new gear in the morning. If I was you I'd try to find someone with the Modwright mod on their 105 & either put it in your system for comparison or travel to their abode & change theirs out for yours after a good listen. Welcome to the rabbit hole Bob! ;)
The upcoming PS Audio Memory Transport WILL be able to play SACD's.......and allow their Directstream dac to decode the SACD format. They claim this new transport can flesh out much more detail from redbook, as well as DSD/SACD. I have my order in for the pair, as soon as they are released.
The upcoming PS Audio Memory Transport WILL be able to play SACD's.......and allow their Directstream dac to decode the SACD format. They claim this new transport can flesh out much more detail from redbook, as well as DSD/SACD. I have my order in for the pair, as soon as they are released.

Me too Jerry! After hearing it this weekend - color me impressed.

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