D.I.Y Audio Server project completed


New member
Sep 18, 2019
Hello to all

I finally launched, 6 months ago in a project of construction of audio server and I do not regret at all to have but the "Hands in the mud"

it is in a Streacom Alpha 9 Silver case based on a set of distributed heatpipes for the CPU

- CM MSI MAG B460M Bazooka
- CPU INTEL 10500 T low power
- 16 GB of DDR4 Fury Black 2666

- 2 SSD of Storage of 2 TO San Disk ULTRA 3 D where is stored the music in DSD File and Flac HI RES
- 1 SSD Samsung 870 EVO of 500 GO where is stored Windows Server 2019, it is nicely lodged on the side on a plate especially manufactured and stuck with double face.

- the converter DC-ATX HDPLEX 400W Hi-Fi was also lodged under the hard disks and stuck also with double face

I integrated 2 PCI cards

- a PINK FAUN USB card

the 2 cards are powered by a J92 linear Triple V8 power supply (2 *5V and 1 in 12 Volt) that I had asked Jacques to design for me in a single case (it is quite heavy.............)
the third 12 Volt output is used for the CISCP Meraki switch.

the internal cabling was made by the ModDIY site
- CM, CPU, SSD and HDPLEX converter.

the cherry on the cake is the integration of a switch on and off of the server by radio waves (Remote control), as for a portal ..............

I just have to optimize W Server 2019 with

- Process Lasso
- Audiophile Optimizer




congrats -- very nice build!! ...i did the same thing a 2 years ago. it was a very satisfying project and perhaps the most fun i have had in this hobby.
Cool project!
It's great to see DIY audio alternatives for those so inclined and save some cash to boot.
Good to have an audiophile site with members that celebrate these accomplishments as well.

Well Done!

Long Retired Shop Teacher John