Back it up!


Active member
Oct 14, 2013
A not so gentle reminder to back up your music and personal files. Make it a routine.

My music server bricked but I had all my music backed up on an external drive. Damage minimized. I am so smart sometimes I can't stand it. :scholar:
A not so gentle reminder to back up your music and personal files. Make it a routine.

My music server bricked but I had all my music backed up on an external drive. Damage minimized. I am so smart sometimes I can't stand it. :scholar:

Very good reminder. Glad you didn't loose any info!
I am formatting a Samsung T7 SSD portable drive for music backup storage. Format for exFAT or NTFS? A Google search gave me conflicting information.

One search item said NTFS. Another said NTFS for an internal drive and exFAT for an external drive. My Samsung is an external drive. Windows spoken here.
If your music is on a server with RAID and a HDD goes kaput you just replace the HDD. The server will rebuild from the parity data.
Great reminder!

I have 3 copies of my music stored in 3 separate devices. This process includes a NAS setup in a RAID configuration.

I just can’t imagine losing my files after so many years.
Are you using your external drive only for Windows? NTFS then.
If you are using your external drive for both Windows and Mac; exFAT.
NTFS allows a better chance for recovering corrupted data as well as (potentially) faster transfer speeds. exFAT has the best cross-platform support.
Everything saved, well done. Special attention, a lot of people came across that when a disc breaks, the backup was broken too.
I have never backed up anything and have been using computers since the early 80’s. Never lost a drive in all those years.

If I did I’d probably go 100% Tidal and not reload my CD’s.
I have never backed up anything and have been using computers since the early 80’s. Never lost a drive in all those years.

If I did I’d probably go 100% Tidal and not reload my CD’s.

You’ve been lucky Jim. As much as I like both Qobuz and Tidal, my local library always sounds better. But your contingency plan seems reasonable.
My synology NAS constantly backs up to the cloud. I've had drives fail, and re-ripping was a PITA. Now days it's not just my cd collection, I'd lose thousands of downloaded HD FLAC files that would cost far more than my cloud backup does.

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I agree with Mike. My local library is also a better source hands down.

I still hold on on all my CD's, LP's for this very reason. Just don't trust, technology or conditions outside of our control.. I do back up everything each week to my NAS, music library and photo library. Plus my photo library is also backed up to a 100GB cloud service called Photoshelter.