American Made Music Servers

I know the team at Aurender and I can’t say enough good things.

Lumin, as we all know, also has great folks behind the product, but they are more all in one streamer focused whereas Aurender is more network transport focused. Different specialties.

For all in one, you also have Esoteric out of Japan, with the KILLA’ N-01XD and N-05XD.

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Excellent post, Mike.
Channel Islands Audio now makes a music server. I have never used it.

I really wanted a major player. Why I don't want to consider small builders:

This is sad because I know the company has a lot of loyal customers and fans. I saw this information on another forum and I paraphrase here:

Channel Islands Audio is closing January 1, 2022. It is ending production and retiring the brand. There will be warranty and non-warranty service and some products to sell from remaining inventory.
I really wanted a major player. Why I don't want to consider small builders:

This is sad because I know the company has a lot of loyal customers and fans. I saw this information on another forum and I paraphrase here:

Channel Islands Audio is closing January 1, 2022. It is ending production and retiring the brand. There will be warranty and non-warranty service and some products to sell from remaining inventory.

I did not know Dusty was closing his doors. I just saw his post about it. I would definitely not purchase from a place that was going out of business even though Dusty has always been great about repairs and support.
I personally like many European brands however service is not as easy in many situations. T+A is a good example.

There are pros and cons, however I can see why many people prefer to deal with their home country products.

I don't feel like debating. I was just giving my observation :).
For me it is a real issue to order online in the US. First problem is that the Voltage and power frequency are not the same. So I need US products that are made for the European market.

Secondly I dislike the idea that expensive stuff is shipped abroad. If something is going wrong there are not many options then send a complain to the credit card company. But what if there is going something wrong, the stuff isn’t working anymore, the sound doesn’t do what is expected etcetera?

Third: I live in a small country, lots of different brands I buy things from what is for sale here, including Americans like my very great Sonore streamer, but an important precondition is that the (web) shop is located here so I get a better guarantee service.

Finally, if you know the rules, the consumer protection in the EU is very good. Without reason I may send items back if they are undamaged and you will get a refund.

There are a lot of reasons, to not buy over the world, but at local shops, but from there I don’t care where it is manufactured, it is all about getting the right stuff for my audioset.
I really wanted a major player. Why I don't want to consider small builders:

This is sad because I know the company has a lot of loyal customers and fans. I saw this information on another forum and I paraphrase here:

Channel Islands Audio is closing January 1, 2022. It is ending production and retiring the brand. There will be warranty and non-warranty service and some products to sell from remaining inventory.

I am 100% with you. I’ll pass on interesting products from what are primarily single proprietorship audio companies led by ‘rock stars’, many of whom seem to have a cult following. Just too risky for me.

Also, distributor support, as good as it can be, is just not the same as manufacturer in-country support.