Axpona 2024: In 2023 at the Axpona Show the Minuet was constantly reviewed. What happened this year?


Mar 21, 2014
USA Michigan
Axpona 2024:
At the Axpona Show last year (2023) The Minuet was constantly reviewed very favorably. What happened this year?
As a matter of fact, based on last year's Axpona reviews I bought the Minutes. But this year there seems to be nothing. Did they sound that bad?

Axpona 2024:
At the Axpona Show last year (2023) The Minuet was constantly reviewed very favorably. What happened this year?
As a matter of fact, based on last year's Axpona reviews I bought the Minutes. But this year there seems to be nothing. Did they sound that bad?


It only matters what they sound like to you in your system.
Takes time to get show reports. Minuets were with VAC. We are still getting Florida show reports! The TAS report on the Florida show only came out today.


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Thanks Mike.
Last year there seemed to be universal acclaim of the Minuets starting on the first day of the show.

Thanks Mike.
Last year there seemed to be universal acclaim of the Minuets starting on the first day of the show.


The new Clarisys Piccolo’s stole the thunder from the Minuets…and everything else.


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It's like music you're only as good as your latest hit, LOL Last year it was the minuet, this year, well, it wasn't.

I notice that each online magazine seem to have their picks or favorites they like to hype and visit. Your guess as to why it's like that. They also like to pick things that are new, bring the readers the latest.

Not to change the subject there is one magazine that sure seems to have it for Focal. At CES they were too loud in an open area, now at Axpona they were just too loud, protect your ears etc. I'd say they were being a Karen but I'm seeing a pattern.