Roy Gregory review of P1, L1, M1 (X1) combo

Having heard the L1 in my own system, I'd concur with his conclusions. A lot of CH gear at Munich too - standout for me was perhaps the I1 intergrated.
Roy Gregory does an excellent job with his review. As a CH owner, I just want to emphasize a few points made in the review. The flexibility of CH gear is without peer IMHO. While the performance is excellent "straight out the box", the real value to a high resolution system is when you start optimizing. Given the array of options/settings, you will need help. My support has been excellent.

I also feel compelled to address "the elephant in the room", CH pricing. Joe just bought a nice car for what I have spent on X1 power supplies. The only thing I can add to this discussion is that I feel that CH gear represents the pinnacle of engineering, performance and construction quality. I honestly don't know how you value that. There are products in the market that match CH pricing without delivering anything close to the performance. So, I would put it this way, I'm not encouraging anyone to buy 50k amplifiers etc., but if you have the discretionary funds and desire to do it, CH Precision is the best in my experience. I would encourage anyone interested in CH to also read Roy G's factory visit.
great review. ive always found ch precision gear very intriguing but haven't had the privilege of listening. i think they look beautiful too
the swiss are really onto something...i love the way soulution sounds and was very impressed by fm acoustics as well. have you heard either of those brands? was just curious because i'd like to get your impressions on what ch does better or worse
great review. ive always found ch precision gear very intriguing but haven't had the privilege of listening. i think they look beautiful too
the swiss are really onto something...i love the way soulution sounds and was very impressed by fm acoustics as well. have you heard either of those brands? was just curious because i'd like to get your impressions on what ch does better or worse

I made the “mistake” of listening to the M1 and am much poorer as a result. Poorer but happier.