

New member
Apr 13, 2013
• Dual Monaural (two channels in a single chassis)
• True Monaural (one channel per chassis)

Moving Coil Current Inputs
• Two inputs specifically designed for low output, low resistance MC cartridges
• Current mode for best signal to noise ratio when paired with low output MC cartridges
• Adjustable gain
• No impedance adjustement required in current mode, always optimal

Moving Magnet/Moving Coil Voltage Input
• Input specifically designed for MM, high output MC cartridges and step-up transformers
• Ultra low noise FET-input stage
• Adjustable gain
• Cartridge loading variable impedance adjustement, no need to add/solder components

EQ curves
• RIAA and extended RIAA EQ curve factory fitted
• High grade, tight tolerance custom components
• Optional add-on board containing Emi, Columbia, Decca and Teldec EQ curves

Analog Signal Path
• Selectable high-pass subsonic filter to remove unwanted rumble
• Selectable Mono Mode
• Ultra low noise, high bandwidth, high slew rate design
• Pure Class A, discrete, transistor base, fully symmetrical design

Power Supply
• Ultra low noise, high accuracy, discretly regulated linear power supplies
• Oversized mains toroidal transformers
• Shunt regulators for critical stages
• Can be powered from the X1 External Power Supply unit
Auto loading is an interesting tech feature. I am curious to understand how that works.
Apparently CH will have the P1 in Munich. If there are any sharks there and can snap a pic of the innards and rear, i would love to see it.
Dear all,
i write from italy,
yesterday i tried P1,one shop borrow to me,at home of one my friend VS my Kondo GE1 with trans Silvercore MC pro
P1 was much better in every parameter that all of us was shocked.
Image and depth much bigger,more fast and dynamic,High much open,fast and natural,and bass more controlled that Kondo

We tried in mc1 in current mode and in mc 3 mm/mc input in voltage mode where you can select the gain from 35 to 70 db and change impedence from 20 to 100.000 ohm with step every 2 ohm.

Really incredible
to everybody

Thanks for sharing your experiences Gianluigi, must be an incredible machine.

Welcome in the shark tank -v-v-.

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I have L1 C1 X1 and 2 A1 in mono and i will buy P1 in future,
I always listened since 1991 with triode tube amp like Be Yamamura,Audiotekne,Audionote,Fal,Shindo,Sakuma,Kondo,Dyssanayake,because for my taste i prefer them to transistor amp,but when i listen CH in one shop and then in my home i love them
I also Have a Kondo M7 ksl,phono GE 1 and 2 Souga,sound is very very good,but at the end i prefer CH


It's a fantastic piece. Thanks to DVL Audio, I have a P1 at home right now. I can't get enough of it!