CH Precision Announces New 10 Series

Just curious, this thread started denigrating the high and “ridiculous” cost of the newly announced CH 10 line.

Now it’s ok to proceed into these uncharted waters if it’s the anointed product by the vision of the anointed? LMAO. Just having fun.

I hope you all get your dream amp one day. No doubt it’s a great amp.
I am sorry for my part in going way off topic. I just couldn't resist.
Moderators should boot all these narcissistic idiotphiles who have have no sense of civility in their posts. They should go back to posting in WBF where this type of interaction is rampant.

Two separate lines. They are not doing away with the 1 series, just adding a higher end line called the 10 series.

Likewise, unlike just about every other company, except maybe MSB, they are allowing you a very nice trade in should one want to go to the stratosphere for a 10. The M1.1 is I believe 53K and the M10 is 90K so two totally different products.

To the contrary, anyone who purchased an M1, was treated better than any single high end audio company on the market, where CH literally sent a technician to your home to upgrade your M1--->M1.1 for the difference in the MSRP which was 3K on a 50K amp. Good luck getting that kind of service with ANY company out there.

Totally agree. +10!!! One of the best companies I have ever dealt with.
Moderators should boot all these narcissistic idiotphiles who have have no sense of civility in their posts. They should go back to posting in WBF where this type of interaction is rampant.

World Boxing Federation
All I know is that I love the looks! Wow!

Fondly reminiscent of a Tonka toy truck. No wonder us boys like it. Takes us back to our inner six year olds.
I live in Italy and listen very well all Swiss best amp from friend,distributor and shop,including Fm,Solution,Nagra,Dartzeel,Audio Consulting,Goldmund,Swiss Phisics,All really fantastic,but i prefer CH and i have L1,P1,X1,M1 mono
I find incredible L1 with X1 so i cannot image L10 where they revised some and use better quality resistors and capacitors.
Sure will be a masterpiece.Same for P10 that CH will do in future

End of this year i have to decide if do L1 mono with 2 X1 or take L 10
This choice could be will be not simple,i think
I live in Italy and listen very well all Swiss best amp from friend,distributor and shop,including Fm,Solution,Nagra,Dartzeel,Audio Consulting,Goldmund,Swiss Phisics,All really fantastic,but i prefer CH and i have L1,P1,X1,M1 mono
I find incredible L1 with X1 so i cannot image L10 where they revised some and use better quality resistors and capacitors.
Sure will be a masterpiece.Same for P10 that CH will do in future

End of this year i have to decide if do L1 mono with 2 X1 or take L 10
This choice could be will be not simple,i think


I hear you. I have an MSB Select II and stupidly tried an L1 stereo with an X1 to see the difference between MSB direct versus the L1/X1. Costly mistake BUT I am holding off until the dust settles and see what is truly going to be.

I hear you. I have an MSB Select II and stupidly tried an L1 stereo with an X1 to see the difference between MSB direct versus the L1/X1. Costly mistake BUT I am holding off until the dust settles and see what is truly going to be.

Can let us know how adding L1 improves on Select preamp? MSB claims there is no need for preamp. Their argument is adding an component into the chain will only add distortions. But I always find built in preamp in DAC can’t compete with top preamp.
Can let us know how adding L1 improves on Select preamp? MSB claims there is no need for preamp. Their argument is adding an component into the chain will only add distortions. But I always find built in preamp in DAC can’t compete with top preamp.

I had an ARC REF10 prior to upgrading the MSB to the Select II. I was very sure that the "hyperbole" of MSB was just that and that surely the pre stage on the Select couldn't be better. Well I was wrong. The MSB direct was, IMHO, better. More neutral and alive. It was an easy choice and selling the REF10 helped make my rationalization of upgrading to the Select II much easier.

However, upon the recommendation of several who have tried (and purchased it), I was cajoled into trying the L1 Stereo + X1 power supply. Took a couple of days to get the gain just right but once matched I was pretty shocked how good it was. Depth and width definitely increased and noise floor (amazing with the MSB direct) got even better. I was flabbergasted as I wasn't expecting any improvement. I can't say the bass was any better. More dimensionality, which is hard to imagine and more neutral, another aspect I was surprised to find.

Now is it worth the price? At near or just under or over 50K list, there lies the issue. I can't say. I have been listening direct again for the last two weeks and I definitely "miss" the L1/X1 BUT the MSB direct is world class, IMHO, better than a world class preamp I sold the REF10 and since I am digital only, find it difficult to justify the cost for the incremental improvement. BUT there was a significant improvement which I was not expecting.
I had an ARC REF10 prior to upgrading the MSB to the Select II. I was very sure that the "hyperbole" of MSB was just that and that surely the pre stage on the Select couldn't be better. Well I was wrong. The MSB direct was, IMHO, better. More neutral and alive. It was an easy choice and selling the REF10 helped make my rationalization of upgrading to the Select II much easier.

However, upon the recommendation of several who have tried (and purchased it), I was cajoled into trying the L1 Stereo + X1 power supply. Took a couple of days to get the gain just right but once matched I was pretty shocked how good it was. Depth and width definitely increased and noise floor (amazing with the MSB direct) got even better. I was flabbergasted as I wasn't expecting any improvement. I can't say the bass was any better. More dimensionality, which is hard to imagine and more neutral, another aspect I was surprised to find.

Now is it worth the price? At near or just under or over 50K list, there lies the issue. I can't say. I have been listening direct again for the last two weeks and I definitely "miss" the L1/X1 BUT the MSB direct is world class, IMHO, better than a world class preamp I sold the REF10 and since I am digital only, find it difficult to justify the cost for the incremental improvement. BUT there was a significant improvement which I was not expecting.

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts. Were there any differences in timbres and microdynamics and were they just minor? Also, did you use a Goebel interconnect? Many thanks.
Many thanks for sharing your thoughts. Were there any differences in timbres and microdynamics and were they just minor? Also, did you use a Goebel interconnect? Many thanks.

Yes I used all Gobel cables. I didn't, but would have like to have used, a Gobel plug to the X1. I have Gobel plugs everywhere else. Timbre were not drastically different but subtle, again slightly in favor of the L1/X1. Microdynamics was a significant surprise in improvement possibly because the noise floor was so improved.

My Gobel speakers are extremely good at producing that holographic stage I find endearing about many other speakers like some panels, MBLs, etc and the improvement in space with the L1/X1 was also stellar.

It was an eye opening event for me that I wasn't expecting.
Yes I used all Gobel cables. I didn't, but would have like to have used, a Gobel plug to the X1. I have Gobel plugs everywhere else. Timbre were not drastically different but subtle, again slightly in favor of the L1/X1. Microdynamics was a significant surprise in improvement possibly because the noise floor was so improved.

My Gobel speakers are extremely good at producing that holographic stage I find endearing about many other speakers like some panels, MBLs, etc and the improvement in space with the L1/X1 was also stellar.

It was an eye opening event for me that I wasn't expecting.

Wonderful. Many thanks for the feedback. Roy Gregory was also very impressed with the L1 when he reviewed the CH gear.
I had an ARC REF10 prior to upgrading the MSB to the Select II. I was very sure that the "hyperbole" of MSB was just that and that surely the pre stage on the Select couldn't be better. Well I was wrong. The MSB direct was, IMHO, better. More neutral and alive. It was an easy choice and selling the REF10 helped make my rationalization of upgrading to the Select II much easier.

However, upon the recommendation of several who have tried (and purchased it), I was cajoled into trying the L1 Stereo + X1 power supply. Took a couple of days to get the gain just right but once matched I was pretty shocked how good it was. Depth and width definitely increased and noise floor (amazing with the MSB direct) got even better. I was flabbergasted as I wasn't expecting any improvement. I can't say the bass was any better. More dimensionality, which is hard to imagine and more neutral, another aspect I was surprised to find.

Now is it worth the price? At near or just under or over 50K list, there lies the issue. I can't say. I have been listening direct again for the last two weeks and I definitely "miss" the L1/X1 BUT the MSB direct is world class, IMHO, better than a world class preamp I sold the REF10 and since I am digital only, find it difficult to justify the cost for the incremental improvement. BUT there was a significant improvement which I was not expecting.

Many thanks for for your thoughts. It is very helpful. But can you expand a little bit on matching the gains? Do you mean adjust the input sensitivity?
Yes I used all Gobel cables. I didn't, but would have like to have used, a Gobel plug to the X1. I have Gobel plugs everywhere else. Timbre were not drastically different but subtle, again slightly in favor of the L1/X1. Microdynamics was a significant surprise in improvement possibly because the noise floor was so improved.

My Gobel speakers are extremely good at producing that holographic stage I find endearing about many other speakers like some panels, MBLs, etc and the improvement in space with the L1/X1 was also stellar.

It was an eye opening event for me that I wasn't expecting.

I find your comments intriguing particularly because of how adamant the conventional wisdom is that the MSB sounds better without a preamp.

It speaks volumes about the quality of the two-box CH L1/X1 stereo combo. And you may be even more surprised about the positive effect of the 4-Box CH L1-X1 mono combo. Although at that point, the marginal performance/cost ratio may become harder to justify.

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I apologize for jumping into a CH Precision thread, however I felt it worthwhile mentioning that I have also tested MSB Select direct vs through a preamp, and preferred the sound including the preamp. The amps were Naim Statement set. I would love to compare CH to Naim... Best regards to all.
Many thanks for for your thoughts. It is very helpful. But can you expand a little bit on matching the gains? Do you mean adjust the input sensitivity?

I have an M1.1 which was set to a global feedback of 10% and gain of 2.5. MSB recommends using their DAC with volume setting at 94-98 depending upon the preamp with 98 being recommended for most preamps. The L1 was set at a gain of 0. So I listened to some of my go to albums while trying to to matching all the options. Ultimately I found leaving M1.1 at 2.5 was best. MSB set to 98 was the correct setting. Increasing the gain/sensitivity on the XLR input on the L1 to 3.5 I found was ultimately the right ticket and closest to what I was used to with the MSB direct