CES Photo Slideshow - Day 2

Good. But like a lot of rooms, I stayed, listened and moved on. Sounds good, but so did a lot of other rooms. The best room so far is still the FOCAL/VAC room. But the room I never wanted to leave was the LA Audio/AZ room. After going from room to room listening to European/non-North American gear all trying to out do one another with who has the HIGHEST RESOLUTION, it was such a joy (and a relief) to find a room that was so musical in an emotional, romantic and engaging way. Oh, and yeah, the entire system - cables and all - doesn't break the bank!

Nick and I went into a room (I forget the speaker manufacturer - Swiss I think) and they were asking $48,000 for a pair of speakers that we both swore wouldn't be more than $12,000. There is a lot of new kids on the block that come in and just demand crazy numbers and they have no track record, no reviews, no nothing to draw upon. I don't get it. I won't proclaim to be an expert by any means, but it is my understanding in East Asian culture there is a strong code of honor. That's why so much of the East Asian gear to me sounds wonderful. Yes, there are some VERY VERY expensive products. But both at RMAF and CES, I heard some of the best gear you can imagine that doesn't break the bank. LA Audio, Triode Corp, etc. They have a long history and reputation world wide, yet they still don't charge exorbitant prices.

A funny story: I went into this one particular Russian amp manufacturers room. I walk in and there are three big burly Russian fellows. STRONG accents. Nice guys. So I listen. Their amps sound terrific. I jokingly said to them, "so these amps are hand made in Russian?" "YES!" the fellow proudly responds. I then say, "so, are those Chinese tubes in your Russian amps?" ..........if you could have seen the look of horror on their faces. We all then had a good laugh! :)

Stenheim model 3. Sort of magico Q cabinet looked like watt puppy. a little bright for my taste and very overpriced IMHO

Big pedigree there! They are the ones who put on the Montreux show and the original designers are ex-Goldmund (now Devialet), the Management is ex-Nagra and other elite names. They have a big reputation and ally with manufacture-Le-Son. I know the owner…nice guy!
2 questions

1- what are the whacky arced speakers in the Emotiva room?



Oops, can't do - sorry.

2- How do the wireless Dynaudios sound and perform?


No clue.
Is this true?

Someone heard the trinity Dac at CES, was in the same room as the CH precison DAC!

Nick/Mike, can you check it out?
False alarm....its the Trinity preamp. interesting, but not as interesting as the Dac.
Is this true?

Someone heard the trinity Dac at CES, was in the same room as the CH precison DAC!

Nick/Mike, can you check it out?
False alarm....its the Trinity preamp. interesting, but not as interesting as the Dac.





Thanks Northstar. Pretty cool looking.

No sweat Brian. ... & you can call me Bob.
But you need a sub with them because they seem to sound thin and without life. ...They don't appear to be serious speakers.
The design is seriously different and interesting, but as sound reproducers something doesn't gel right.
I'm only expressing my opinion from their looks, and scientifically looking there's something awkwardly missing from my view angle.

* Some of them speaker designers are certainly fashionably creative. :)



But you need a sub with them because they seem to sound thin and without life. ...They don't appear to be serious speakers.
The design is seriously different and interesting, but as sound reproducers something doesn't gel right.
I'm only expressing my opinion from their looks, and scientifically looking there's something awkwardly missing from my view angle.

* Some of them speaker designers are certainly fashionably creative. :)
I listened to them and politely disagree that looks or technical papers as opposed to my ears is best to make a critical eval. of any speaker design. I also think BTW there is a downfiring woofer u can"t see. Sound was like a real bass not a HT subwoofer which is too inflated for music listening. Now r they worth the price-I don't know as everyone has a different budget. Can u get more PRAT from other fine speakers YES. But these had a natural wide holographic soundstage.

I listened to them and politely disagree that looks or technical papers as opposed to my ears is best to make a critical eval. of any speaker design. I also think BTW there is a downfiring woofer u can"t see. Sound was like a real bass not a HT subwoofer which is too inflated for music listening. Now r they worth the price-I don't know as everyone has a different budget. Can u get more PRAT from other fine speakers YES. But these had a natural wide holographic soundstage.


Nick, I believe that we're talking about different speakers.

The ones I was referring to are these (CBT36s):


Big pedigree there! They are the ones who put on the Montreux show and the original designers are ex-Goldmund (now Devialet), the Management is ex-Nagra and other elite names. They have a big reputation and ally with manufacture-Le-Son. I know the owner…nice guy!

And all that (Nagra) Jazz | Stereophile.com

Press Release

New impetus
for the Swiss loudspeaker maker Stenheim

trade show, Munich, 9th May 2013 – Founded in 2010, Stenheim
immediately found its

place amongst
the leaders of the Swiss hi-­‐fi industry. This came as no surprise
as the company’s

creators, a
team of five young engineers, had worked together for several years
at one of the world’s

most renowned
loudspeaker makers, the famous Goldmund company, before setting out on
their own.

Wishing to
strengthen the commercial capabilities at the head of their company,
they went looking for

someone who
could take it over and give their promising start-­‐up a new

The five
founders, Jean-­‐Loup Afresne, Antoine Petroff, Maxime Perrin, Sebastien
Benz and David Jilli,

would like to
take the opportunity provided by the High End trade show in Munich
to announce the

changes which
have just taken place. From now on it is Jean-­‐Pascal Panchard who
will take over the

running of the
company, though they will continue to provide their expertise to it.

Panchard is also a fully qualified HES electronic engineer and a
holder of an Executive MBA,

but he has in
addition a solid experience in both marketing and business
development. He has worked in

the electronics
industry for many years and developed all sorts of activities in the
area of high-­‐end audio.

He has notably
founded and run a business in this industry for 10 years, looked
after a club for hi-­‐fi

enthusiasts for
15 years and worked for 5 years for the prestigious brand NAGRA,
including one year as

director of the
High End department. Jean-­‐Pascal will be assisted by Lucas Perrin,
a young EPFL electronic

engineer who
was experience as a sound engineer and who has already worked with
Stenheim in the



The founding
spirit, which gave birth to Stenheim will be totally preserved and
even strengthened. The

idea is to
keep the original and extremely rigorous approach to developing

loudspeakers are in fact made out of solid aluminium and the care
that goes into their fine

tuning is
worthy of a Swiss watchmaker, such is the remarkable precision
achieved in audio reproduction.

One of their
chief characteristics is the great stability, which is provided by
the case, as aluminium is

highly stable, and their total respect for the phase. Put together,
these two qualities allow

them to produce
a highly realistic three-­‐dimensional soundstage. The brand has also
become a specialist

in custom
finishes. According to the buyer’s wishes, it is quite capable of
supplying models polished to a

mirror finish,
lacquered like a piano in any colour you like, or even covered in
precious wood or ostrich


Stenheim will
continue to produce the highly successful Alumine range and the bass
unit, which can be

used with
these compact models. An entirely new product line, called
Reference, is already being

developed and
will be presented in 2014.

Jean-­‐Pascal Panchard, tel. +41 79 220 02 22, [email protected]

du Parc, Rue Marconi 19, 1920 Martigny,

[email protected], www.stenheim.com
