What cartridges are you using?

i asked Tom Vu where his new carts are from, he would say if not for a NDA with the maker. don't you have one under review?

Peter B. has the Zeus and should be on AVShowrooms soon.

We were going to tag team the Apollo but not sure it's in production yet.
I own an AirTight Supreme and a MySonicLab Signature Gold. I slightly prefer the latter. I also have a VDH Colibri Platinum which I have not yet installed. I'm curious about the Atlas and one of the stonebodies, but for now am completely satisfied with the Supreme and Sig. Gold.

Here is a link to my writeup comparing the AirTight to the MSL: My Sonic Labs Gold Signature VS. Air Tight Supreme with a system description in my WBF signature.
So price be damned, what cartridge would you buy? What would be your backup cartridge?

Ortofon Anna
Lyra Atlas
Koetsu Stone bodied
Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement
ZYX Universe II
Vdh Colibri
Dynavector 1t
Kuzma CAR50
Soundsmith Hyperion
Air Tight Supreme
Ikeda Kai

I would love to hear/own the Air Tight.
So price be damned, what cartridge would you buy? What would be your backup cartridge?

Ortofon Anna
Lyra Atlas
Koetsu Stone bodied
Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement
ZYX Universe II
Vdh Colibri
Dynavector 1t
Kuzma CAR50
Soundsmith Hyperion
Air Tight Supreme
Ikeda Kai

Koetsu Stone bodied
I have tried before the ZYX UNIverse II, Benz LP S, DV DRT XV-1s and Van den Hul Colibri XGP. I ended with ZYX UNIverse II in both my Kronos and my SME 20/3A tables.
I have tried before the ZYX UNIverse II, Benz LP S, DV DRT XV-1s and Van den Hul Colibri XGP. I ended with ZYX UNIverse II in both my Kronos and my SME 20/3A tables.

At close to double the price of the other cartridges, one would be very disappointed if the Universe II did not sound better.

Compared to Lyra Atlas or Dyna XV-1t would be a good comparison.
I have tried before the ZYX UNIverse II, Benz LP S, DV DRT XV-1s and Van den Hul Colibri XGP. I ended with ZYX UNIverse II in both my Kronos and my SME 20/3A tables.

Carlos, I'd be very interested in learning how the Kronos and SME 20/3 compare. Could you send me a PM?
Currently Have:
Koetsu Onyx Platinum, Jade Platinum, RSP, and Onyx Signature (1990s, needs re-tip)
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze
Ortofon MC20 (not mounted for quite a while now)

Have Owned (but sold before I upgraded to my current Clearaudio Innovation Wood & Graham Phantom):
Ortofon Windfeld MC, Jubilee, Kontrapunkt "a" and "c"
Benz Ref 3, Wood M2, Glider L2

Obviously I love the Koetsu midrange. It's organic, and silky smooth. For vocals and strings in particular, it imparts a lifelike presence and energy. Also, depth of image is the best I've yet heard; very 3D. Treble/resolution/speed are very good but not as good as the MC Windfeld. Bass is good but even further from the likes of the Windfeld (which frankly has amazing bass response). But then the Windfeld has a very thin, dry, perhaps even soul-less midrange compared to Koetsu. Also I had a bit of a brightness peak problem with the Windfeld that made it difficult for me to enjoy consistently; maybe this would be mitigated (or outright solved) in the new setup. Overall, my memory of the Windfeld was that it was very fast and resolving, with epic bass (power, quality, and extension) -- and a clear step up from the Jubliee (which I did NOT prefer over the Kontrapunkt "c").

Now I have the Cadenza Bronze, which like its predecessor Kontrapunkt "c" has a midrange more to my liking -- though honestly I remember the Kontra "c" having slightly fatter, lusher mids (still not into Koetsu-territory mids, though). I like that the Bronze has what I consider a neutral tone -- not bright nor dark -- similar to how I feel about the Koetsu Platinums. I also like that the Bronze features more powerful bass than the Koetsus, though obviously not to the Windfeld's level of excellence. From memory, the Bronze is a bit cleaner in bass an more resolving than its predecessor Kontra "c", but again not to Windfeld levels -- and not quite to the Koetsu level either.

Switching from the Bronze to a Koetsu Stone/Platinum makes for a striking contrast (relatively quick and repeatable thanks to 2 arm-wands). Going to the Bronze, I dearly miss the Koetsu mids and refinement, and going to the Koetsu, I really miss the Ortofon bass and the way it anchors the music. That said, Bronze mids and Koetsu bass are still quite good when NOT directly contrasted to their superiors, so I've learned to pick 1 cart for a session and stick with it till the end.

As far as the Koetsus go, the differences between the Jade/Onyx Platinums are almost negligible. Some slight slight differences that are hard to explain and may as well be due to natural variations from the manufacturing process. They both have a little bit better bass response than the RSP, but all 3 are otherwise extremely similar. The old Onyx is even MORE Koetsu in the midrange and stage depth (really beautiful sounding), but not as resolving nor extended, and the bass has a bit more oomph but is not quite as clean. A bit on the warm side, and an interesting cart for sure. Though this one needs a re-tip, unfortunately.

Part of me wants to give the Windfeld another shot, but I'm not sure if that's the right move in light of my love for a rich midrange -- or whether I should remain content with the Bronze.
had a friend drop off a couple of carts for me to try last night.

a benz ebony H and a zyx omega

will install them today on the spare arm wands and will hopefully be adding them to my collection
well i am not a fan of the benz ebony H...just too edgy on the top end for my tastes.

this one though i think may be a keeper for sure. Beautiful sound, thats its already run in is a bonus also :)



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hey John

Does the disco ball in the front spin? :yahoo1:

Great to hear you enjoying the ZYX. never heard one myself. Not surprised with the Benz HOMC
that damn disco ball made it a bit of a pain to align...thats why i love the lyra with its tongue sticking out proud :)