Zoble networks?


New member
Dec 6, 2019
San Diego
Zobel networks?

Are these still a thing? are they more effective for valve amps? For solid state, does adding one become even more effective on the freq response? Any experience with these?
That's Zobel in case you want google it.
Probably 90% of solid state amps have a zobel network built in. At least the ones that are stable into odd loads.
There are a number tube amps that also contain zobels, but due to the transformers it isn't always necessary.
They are used for stability not for smoothing frequency response.
Yes I have google it and error in my end on spelling :) thanks for the correction.

asking a silly question, if the amp becomes more stable what affect does that do to sound reproduction? Staging can become more focused? Read an old article about using them in a system with pass amps and electrostats. I would assume the pass amps are pretty stable already? And there was some benefit to adding them.
Vereker eschewed Zobel networks in his amps, Naim were well known for this. Its why they recommended at least 3.5M or more of the NAC A5 speaker cable which have sufficient inductance at that length to keep their amps from oscillating. NAC A5 on its own is pretty good cable.