XLR's for bass?


New member
Oct 11, 2022
United States
Later this spring I am going to order a pair of Legacy Audio Focus XD's which have an internal amp and can be bi amped with my VAC Tube amp for the mid/top. They require a set of XLR cables to send the signal from my pre amp to the internal amp in the speakers. Since I will not be using this internal amp full range how particular do I need to be in quality the 3 meter XLR's I will need for them? My interconnects in my System are Wireworld Eclipse 8 level. Would something like their Oasis be OK or should I go for Equinox level? Since I need 3 meters I cannot afford Eclipse 8 level for this. As I understand it I am only using the bass signal or is the signal level quality more important until it gets to the crossover in the speaker? Just not sure how much I need to spend here. Or will a Canare, Magami Pro level cable be just as good for this?
Varying schools of thought on this however, I have always matched the various XLRs already in system.

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I would match the model if you love the bass performance in what they do for you prior to this move.

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I use custom lengths XLR cables from Blue Jean Cables made with Canare wiring and Neutrik adaptors.
I’d audition two pair, one exceedingly expensive, one exceedingly cheap. Your local dealer might/should have some to loan. Or use The Cable Company’s extensive library. This way your wallet won’t insert itself between you and the outcome you desire.
I think I will just stick to keeping Wireworld Eclipse 8 in the system. I may buy some cheap Magomi to try and compare.
It's a shame when anyone asks a cable question certain members can't resist trying to turn it into a cable debate.

If you hear any difference in cables at all it would seem common sense to keep with same brand and level cables in a speaker for coherency. I'd think the higher the crossover point the more important this would become.If budget was an absolute issue I'd at least go with same brand but lower level.
As a side note some time ago I replaced a generic RCA cable from my processor to sub with a Transparent and the better cable did render improvement.
I'm confused about the setup in the first post:
a] Does the pre-amp have both a XLR and a RCA output stage?
b] Does the VAC Tube amp have both a XLR and a RCA input stage?
c] Do the Legacy Audio Focus XD's have both a XLR and a RCA input stage?
a. Yes - 2 sets of RCA and one XLR. RCA to VAC amp, XLR to Legacy Focus XD.
b. No, just RCA
c. Just XLR