Where to place your best Power Cord?

While being a whole-hearted disbeliever still a couple years back, having heard it in my own system, I now do believe that good power is like salt in the food.

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My findings is that the best PC for an amp is not necessary the best for a transport. And if a PC can change the sound it will be necessary to test it everywhere in the system. And I think that it is not given that any upgrade PC will be better because it cost more . I use a cheap brand called Nimak for most of my High-end system. But they're all different gauges. I also use a cheap Viborg on my pre-amp instead of a Ps Audio ac12. The price for the Ps Audio ac12 in Norway is 10 times more than the preferred Viborg.
In my system it's more easy to hear difference between PC than interconnects.
What I don't understand is that how these PC can change the sound given that the gauge is correct. If anyone can explain how it works it would be great.
My findings is that the best PC for an amp is not necessary the best for a transport. And if a PC can change the sound it will be necessary to test it everywhere in the system. And I think that it is not given that any upgrade PC will be better because it cost more . I use a cheap brand called Nimak for most of my High-end system. But they're all different gauges. I also use a cheap Viborg on my pre-amp instead of a Ps Audio ac12. The price for the Ps Audio ac12 in Norway is 10 times more than the preferred Viborg.
In my system it's more easy to hear difference between PC than interconnects.
What I don't understand is that how these PC can change the sound given that the gauge is correct. If anyone can explain how it works it would be great.

I am no EE, but what I am deducing is that they don't "change" the sound, but rather get rid of noise and interference that allows you to hear more of the music and instruments without being clouded by noise.
So after my Maze experience, I decided to stretch my budget a little and after speaking to Patrick, I just ordered a Gold Series cord from Cullen. Patrick also graciously took the time to answer other questions including suggested placement.

He also suggested to place it on the APC if my Amp runs thru it, or the Amp itself if plugged direct to outlet.

What a difference in companies!
Shadow, I have been using a Cullen Gold PC for about 2 weeks. I am using it on my Pass amp. I definitely feel that the background is blacker. I am going to try a Cullen Crossover for my preamp. I think that I will eventually replace the cords on my DAC, audio computer and LPS for my Regen with Cullen cables.
a] If it's a shielded cord, I would place it on whatever hi-fi component is radiating the most power line noise/interference.
b] If it's a heavy cord, I would place it on whatever hi-fi component is drawing the most current.
In Ansuz we believe that the most important cable of any systems are the one going from the outlet from the wall into the power distributioner or power conditioner.
That cable sets the level of performance for the rest of the system.

Other than that, we believe that analog > digital is the way to go in MOST cases
Shadow, I have been using a Cullen Gold PC for about 2 weeks. I am using it on my Pass amp. I definitely feel that the background is blacker. I am going to try a Cullen Crossover for my preamp. I think that I will eventually replace the cords on my DAC, audio computer and LPS for my Regen with Cullen cables.

Larry, any updates or new cables yet?
So it's been several months since I put after market PCs in play. I had stopped trying to hear things a while ago and just enjoyed the music.

But, all of a sudden I have noticed improved bass and clarity. My speaker/amp combo does not provide really deep bass, or so I thought. It's much better now than it was with stock cables.
Why would you think that cables (some of the most stable things in a hi-fi system) after a long period would cause the change in sound?
There are so, so many more likely candidates.
Why would you think that cables (some of the most stable things in a hi-fi system) after a long period would cause the change in sound?
There are so, so many more likely candidates.

Nothing else in the system has changed at all, except the weather. But I usually feel my system sounds better in the dead of winter when it has snowed and all the other noise is suppressed. Maybe I am more used to the initial changes the cables provided. Either way, I am happy about it.
It's been my experience, and others here have said much the same thing, that one particular brand/model of PC does not sound good everywhere. What works best on the amp is not necessarily best on the CD player, and visa versa.

Unfortunately that means playing with PC's is a trial and error process. Your best bet is to find a manufacturer that allows demo's and returns, or borrow cables from other audiophile friends. Alternately, go to the used market and pick up a few things on the cheap. If they don't work out anywhere you can likely get your $ back on a resale.

And yes, cords do break in and settle over time, so a 15 minute audition is not the way to make a decision on these things.
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It's been my experience, and others here have said much the same thing, that one particular brand/model of PC does not sound good everywhere. What works best on the amp is not necessarily best on the CD player, and visa versa.

Unfortunately that means playing with PC's is a trial and error process. Your best bet is to find a manufacturer that allows demo's and returns, or borrow cables from other audiophile friends. Alternately, go to the used market and pick up a few things on the cheap. If they don't work out anywhere you can likely get your $ back on a resale.

And yes, cords do break in and settle over time, so a 15 minute audition is not the way to make a decision on these things.

so, taking your advice and buying used and or sampling 'demos' why would I need to worry about 'break in' ??
High Fidelity Cables top of the line PRO cord.
I'm anxious to see what kind of sound/video improvements I get, feeding it into my High Fidelity Hemisphere power conditioner.
Everything is plugged into the conditioner, including my Kuro plasma TV.
I'll post my impressions when I receive it!

Brian......It has been my experience the best bang for performance improvement comes with premium power cables installed on your power amplifier(s). Having said that, I don't believe it is in the best interest of top notch sound system performance to mix and match various power cables, or interconnects for that matter. I began with stock power cables on all components and now have a total of 14 two meter Wireworld Silver Electra power cables feeding all components in two separate systems including the PS Audio Power Plant Premier AC regenerator in the living room system and the PurePower 2000 AC regenerator in the studio system. In both systems the biggest performance jump happened when I installed the Silver Eclipse power cables on the power amplifiers. After that there was incremental improvements in sound stage and overall clarity as I added additional Silver Eclipse power cable to the preamplifiers and source components. The combined synergy of the systems being cabled entirely with like interconnects and power cables has elevated both sound systems performance to a level that I don't think would be as resolving and dynamic had I not gone all in.

Hi Dan. I have the PPP and looking to upgrade. How does the PurePower 2000 compare? Please feel free to PM me as to not further hijack the thread.