USB Cables Opinions

I still have a Recovery in the USB chain also, so not sure that a non-powered cable will work. The iFi looks interesting. It appears as if the Audio signal and the Power are sent in separate cables and re-merged at the DAC end... therefore would take up 2 USB outputs from the music server (no worries on that one), but would definitely not be able to be used out of the Recovery.

But, it appears that this cable is still using power just sent on a separate line to the input connector. I assume then you can simply not hook up the "power" cable, correct?
Yes but I think it’s better to buy a power cutter and use your own cables
so sound improves but will retain much of the sound you have now.
The danacable had only data inside
the pauL pangs have all wires. Dana better until I used the iso
it cuts power and isolates
see my point. Go cheap and post results some may not like it lol
but it’s better to keep your coins in your pocket and try what you have
I still have a Recovery in the USB chain also, so not sure that a non-powered cable will work. The iFi looks interesting. It appears as if the Audio signal and the Power are sent in separate cables and re-merged at the DAC end... therefore would take up 2 USB outputs from the music server (no worries on that one), but would definitely not be able to be used out of the Recovery.

But, it appears that this cable is still using power just sent on a separate line to the input connector. I assume then you can simply not hook up the "power" cable, correct?
At input yes but if your dac is like NORMA says it’s fine after it into dac

Yes indeed! Use it AFTER the reclock and before the Dac.

Sbooster v2 costs like $25.

Ifi Gemini 2.0, costs $200...benefit of the latter is no adapter degradation (if such exists). Bene for the former is $$$ in the Pocket.
Randy, I posted with my experience swapping around USB cables a couple weeks ago, check that out for my experience with several of the more well regarded cables.

Also fwiw, I found the iFi Micro USB3.0 to provide a significant improvement all around.