Power Cable Sequence


New member
Mar 10, 2014
What is the general consensus as to where to best place your highest quality PC excluding the power amp. I've seen opinions from: it s/b the first cable from the receptacle, to it s/b the piece of ancillary equipment likely to generate the most electrical noise.
While they all matter... the chain is only as strong as its weakest link... most cable manufacturers recommend to maximize a system's performance that your "best" power cable should be used to feed your power distributor.
For power treatment you always start from the wall and work down the chain from there.
Because power cords & cables can act as interference antennas (both transmitting & receiving), choice will be situation specific.
It can be a Black Magic type thing. Just changing the length, or placement/dress of the cords can change the situation. And so can turning nearby appliances or hi-fi components on/off.
Spock beat me to my own link on same question.

I ended up feeding my APC with my better Cullen Cable, then the gear from that with PS Audio or Pangea cables.
What is the general consensus as to where to best place your highest quality PC excluding the power amp. I've seen opinions from: it s/b the first cable from the receptacle, to it s/b the piece of ancillary equipment likely to generate the most electrical noise.

In my experience the most important cable of any audio system is the one going from the wall outlet to the power distributor or power conditioner.

That cable sets the level of performance for the rest of the system.

Other than that’s important to recognise that all cables are important and if your other power cables are of various quality levels some experimentation is necessary to optimally place them. As a rule of thumb for sequence I’ve prioritised power cables to analog components over digital ones.