Cables? What Brand/Model do you use?

I love PAD cables, I currently have Musaeus Luminist, when I can I will climb a couple of steps higher.
I use DH Labs cables and IC's exclusively. When I bought them 15+ years ago the prices were quite reasonable to me at the time.
Speaker cables: 4 x 3' lengths of Q-10 Signature
IC's: most are 3' lengths of Air Matrix w/1 x 20' pair of BL-1 with XLR connectors.
Greetings, my own experiences with various cables has been an interesting journey to say the least. My current cable array is as follows:
Wireworld Starlight Platinum 7 USB, Black Cat Silverstar USB, Furutech 75 Ohm digital cable, Linn Blacks RCA, and the speaker wire/cabling is 47 Laboratory Stratos. 40 mm. My most amazing results are from the 47 Labs speaker wire, relatively inexpensive and the most “bang for the buck” I have experienced. Thank you for looking!

I had a change with my digital cables (surprise, surprise): I picked up the The Morrow Audio DIG3 Digital Cable with the Pure Harmony RCA’s (single cable). So far it’s pretty nice, and expect it to be even sweeter with more break-in forthcoming. I sold both USB Cables(Wireworld Starlight Platinum 7 USB, Black Cat Silverstar USB), for non-use, going strictly via CD transport...I had to try the USB deal...

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Power cords..interconnect,speaker cable....all Silent Source 'Music Reference'...great cables....Great gentleman behind them..
Got this High Fidelity PRO Helix Signature Power Conditioner burning in currently.
This is one serious conditioner!!

Got this High Fidelity PRO Helix Signature Power Conditioner burning in currently.
This is one serious conditioner!!


Their whole design just looks like it will take no prisoners - interesting to hear what that contributes.

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It's currently on sale from the manufacturer at 35% off the $50K retail... now $32,500 plus shipping. Looks quite impressive, will be interested in your thoughts once its connected and run-in. Good listening!
At this price level in cables you're not paying for raw materials used, but rather for the sound quality and time spent in research and design to achieve it.

given the creator has real sience and knowledge, what do you think is more time consuming:
a product where he can just do what he knows (topmodel), or where he has to design the best out of wordls with another complication of limited price.

To a big extend cable cost because people pay and it took its evolution....others jump in to make cash.....and basicly these days as a topmanufactor you really do well to have at least the topline to be insane in price to get attention.
not saying cables doesnt matter at all.
however, me as the new nr1 designer, the price for every single cable in my topline would go beyond 100k, exception is the speaker cable for just around 80k as a surprise. and to display my deeper understanding of the whole.
Nice to see they use Furutech products. Hard to imagine the $32,500 (on sale NOW!) couldn't be better spent elsewhere in the system? Lastly, what about the MILES of horrible cable that leads to hour homes???
Thanks, Calloway.
I agree about Rick being not only a great guy but a visionary in audio cable design!!
I have a Porsche Turbo S.
Best car I have ever owned!!



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Nice to see they use Furutech products. Hard to imagine the $32,500 (on sale NOW!) couldn't be better spent elsewhere in the system? Lastly, what about the MILES of horrible cable that leads to hour homes???

Your amps and gear don't see those miles of cables leading to your home. They do see that 6' inn front of your gear.
Your amps and gear don't see those miles of cables leading to your home. They do see that 6' inn front of your gear.

that would be a neat trick. no more bills from the power company.

but what actually counts is from that big transformer down the street to your equipment.

the last 6 feet might act as an interference antenna thou.
Nice cars fellas/gals!

Anyway, I’ll bite. Going to try out some DNM cables in my humble system. Demoing some SilverLine Conductor SCs at the moment which aren’t too bad.