Cables? What Brand/Model do you use?

I use 16 awg and love them. I got a try the 12 awg soon. Haven’t open the bag yet.
In some applications the 16AWG is preferred, and your setup with AG speakers and Kondo electronics may be an example. Only way to know is to try them both!
Necessary caveat: All of our ears, systems, rooms, are different! BUT.....

Power Cables: During the last year or so I have been through the upper levels of Shunyata, Nordost, and AQ. For my system and my ear I came to these conclusions:

Nordost Power: Way too much money for what you are getting. Nice? Yes, but the competition seems to have them beat for what is often a substantially lower price when considering the higher end of the line. I kind of feel like their technology is aging on the power front.

Shunyata Power: Fine but did not really stand out one way or another. Definitely a high quality brand, nice and smooth, etc, but I can't say I noticed a real signature sound of those cables in my system. I'm sure others will disagree. I do absolutely love the Typhon / Triton combo with a hurricane coming from the wall. Better than the Niagara 5000/7000? I think so... I think it's just a finer wine, but at a substantially higher price. Worth it? Depends on your system. I have a hurricane > Niagara 5000 on my home theatre and have zero reason to change it out. It really helped power movies correctly with a strong and constant feed to my power amp. It also calmed down all of the little boxes like directv, apple tv, etc.

AQ Power: The first Hurricane I put in my system was a revelation moment... next level of technology to me. ABSOLUTELY the best bang for the buck for me, and I could be happy for life with hurricanes. Yet, I liked the hurricanes so much that I bit the bullet and went for dragons. Dragons are in the silly price range for sure, and I doubt many systems out there will notice much more than an incremental change (maaaaaybe 1.5 levels higher than a hurricane for 4x the cost). You would need to do an A-B comparison to really "miss" the dragon over the hurricane. BUT, there is no doubt that a loom of dragons make a great system sparkle like a diamond in a way that hurricanes can't achieve. I really question if there is a better power cable than the dragon. In short, get the dragon if you have entered the somewhat crazy level of audiophile land, as you won't regret it... especially if your gear is at a high enough level to really benefit from the dragon. My experience is the better the gear, the higher the sensitivity to small changes. Or, get hurricanes and save the money for other gear that will actually make a much more substantial improvement.

Side note: I also got a bunch of the AQ X, Y, and Z cables for my TV's, apple TV, directv, etc. I think they really helped.

Speakers and interconnects:

I went through various Nordost lines (Heimdall 2/ Frey2 / Tyr 2 / Valhalla 2). V2 is great. Good enough that I stopped there before Odin. It's commonly said that Nordost is slightly to the bright side, and I would agree. But, I like that. Nordost is well respected and all, but the prices don't always seem to match up well with the competition for me. I have moved on to MIT 2C3D Level 1 for speakers and for the interconnect from preamp > amp. I made the choice because MIT and Magico are a great fit due to MIT being what Magico has commonly used in development of their speakers. I would agree that MIT has something special. For me, they have a thicker feeling than Nordost, definitely better layers and snappiness in the low and low mids, and slightly tilted to a darker side... slightly. I hear AQ speaker cables in a very similar way, but MIT speaker/interconnect just seem to produce a far classier sound than AQ in all ways to me.

I still use Nordost Heimdall 2 and Frey 2 on my home theatre. I love them for that use, as they keep the sound wide open and with plenty of air for me. That helps with sports games, and balances out movies that have lots of low end sound.

One brand I really wish I tried more was Transparent. I have heard some fabulous systems with their cables, but I have no idea if I would have liked them in my system.
Greetings, my own experiences with various cables has been an interesting journey to say the least. My current cable array is as follows:
Wireworld Starlight Platinum 7 USB, Black Cat Silverstar USB, Furutech 75 Ohm digital cable, Linn Blacks RCA, and the speaker wire/cabling is 47 Laboratory Stratos. 40 mm. My most amazing results are from the 47 Labs speaker wire, relatively inexpensive and the most “bang for the buck” I have experienced. Thank you for looking!


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I'm using Bis Audio.
For the speakers, it’s the Type3 bi-wire, two paires of Vivat interconnects ( one pair RCA-RCA and one paire balanced) and the power cables are all AC20.
It’s a small business from near Montreal, Qc.
Complete system wired with MIT’s best products. Performance is just insane.

Nice. I’m also an MIT user and was proven wrong about their technology. Was never a fan of “networked cables” until I actually gave MIT cables a try in my own system.

I’ve found that a full of loom of MIT (interconnects +speaker cables) are ideal to get hear the full benefit they can deliver. Rather than one pair of interconnects or just the speaker cables and mixed with other brands.

However, the end result is a very big, open and dynamic sound. Such presence and you are there feeling. At least IMHO.

Of course this hobby is very subjective but, MIT cables have delivered for me and are an end game destination cable for me.
as is the price ...........

Excellence is rarely cheap ;)

If you don't want to pay the insane current gen prices and don't use all the knobs, switches, etc. (which I don't and which IMO ruin the sound other than the treble and bass tone controls which are handy if needed) their last gen Oracle cables (relatively speaking, super affordable second hand) get you all the way there to current gen Oracle less a little bit of speed, which can in any case be realized elsewhere in the chain.
Excellence is rarely cheap ;)

If you don't want to pay the insane current gen prices and don't use all the knobs, switches, etc. (which I don't and which IMO ruin the sound other than the treble and bass tone controls which are handy if needed) their last gen Oracle cables (relatively speaking, super affordable second hand) get you all the way there to current gen Oracle less a little bit of speed, which can in any case be realized elsewhere in the chain.


Also consider the new 2C3D line from MIT.