Hapa Audio Cables


New member
Feb 16, 2024
I’ve been through a number of brands and even the different types of these cables. I’m quite impressed with the company and wonder if anyone else has had a chance to try them out?
I’ve been through a number of brands and even the different types of these cables. I’m quite impressed with the company and wonder if anyone else has had a chance to try them out?

Interesting first post. How do you work for this company?
I've had Jason's Ember RCA and Aero Cu coax in my system for a couple years with good results. He's using Aerogel in his higher end offerings now, which I think is somewhat unique in the audio cable market. The best way to experience them with no obligation is to jump on one of his "tours", which happen quite frequently.

Hapa Audio – High end Audio Equipment
I've had their Aero USB (cu) in my system for a couple of years (it replaced a WyWires Platinum) going from my Lumin U2 to DAC. Definitely very satisfied with it.
I have no affiliation with Hapa Audio. Just own a few of their products and thought I might get some insight from you all here. I am quite pleased with their Quiescence ag cable and aerogell ag usb from computer to dac/headphone amp. I find the cable to very smooth and very revealing without being strident.