7B3 vs 28B3


New member
Dec 12, 2021
I am putting a new system together. Maggie 20.7 at one end and an ARC Ref 6SE and a Ref 3SE Phono stage at the other. I was leaning toward a pair of Bryston 7B3 monos as my power amps. Is there any reason to bump up to 28B3 Monos? Unfortunately, my audio store only had a 14B3 to demo with the system. They said that the 7B3 is a great amp for my system and that there is no reason to jump up to the 28B3. I called up Magnepan and they seemed to agree. My room is 25’x15’x8’. My sources are mostly vinyl with some streaming. My music tastes cover everything. Sometimes loud, but usually not.

The 7B3 at 600 watts at 8 ohm and 900 watts at 4vohm should be enough. But the pics on the Bryston site show that the two amps are layer out internally differently. The capacitors are together and vertical in the 28 and separate and horizontal in the 7.

Is there any rational reason to bump up to the 28B3 over the 7B3 or am I just suffering from a combo of analysis paralysis and upgrade-itus?

Will someone talk me off the ledge? Or alternatively give me a reason to jump?


I'm going thru a similar decision with my hegel h360 driving a pair of kef blades, I was thinking of upgrading to the H590 and it took months until I finally found someone that had tried both and said the H590 was a pretty small change while going to the separates was a more obvious upgrade. The problem is so is the price difference. At this level we might pay 5 figures for a 3% upgrade in sound when changing brands will change the sound more profoundly, not better or worse, just different.