Boulder arrives at Suncoast Audio



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First pic Constellation Vs second pic Boulder Vs third pic Gryphon? Yeah, I know. The inside pics of the Constellation scared some folks. I still think they sounded good. But yes, the Boulder and Gryphon Mephisto are just incredible.

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I own Constellation, but not € 50,000 just € 13,000. And it does sound very, very good, but if I were to spend 50,000 I would think twice. I think that at Constellation they despised aesthetic design and at those prices it is a mistake.
I own Constellation, but not € 50,000 just € 13,000. And it does sound very, very good, but if I were to spend 50,000 I would think twice. I think that at Constellation they despised aesthetic design and at those prices it is a mistake.

The people are great, the sound is great, but man, many people see the insides and just won’t buy. Boulder and Gryphon have impressive insides and sonics to match.

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I know, I'm late to the party but Congratulation Mike for getting Boulder. Heard nothing but good things about it. Have you had a chance to compare Boulder vs. Gryphon, Simaudio and Pass labs? Sad to see Constellation go. Focal Sopra gone too?
I know, I'm late to the party but Congratulation Mike for getting Boulder. Heard nothing but good things about it. Have you had a chance to compare Boulder vs. Gryphon, Simaudio and Pass labs? Sad to see Constellation go. Focal Sopra gone too?

866 vs Diablo 300 vs Moon 700i V2 vs INT-250. I'd spend a day in Sarasota for this, for sure. Not many dealers could present these integrateds head to head. It'd be like RMAF 2020 had been relocated to Suncoast. Just no water slide.
866 vs Diablo 300 vs Moon 700i V2 vs INT-250. I'd spend a day in Sarasota for this, for sure. Not many dealers could present these integrateds head to head. It'd be like RMAF 2020 had been relocated to Suncoast. Just no water slide.

Ha! Come on over. And don’t forget Luxman, T+A, MBL, VAC, and a few others!

Suncoast Audio is the place to go for world class integrated amps.

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Mike, is that a pair of stenheim alumine 5's i see back there :) - maybe some new products coming your way?? haha
Also, if those M2's are taking up too much room, feel free to send em up to NYC!
Mike, is that a pair of stenheim alumine 5's i see back there :) - maybe some new products coming your way?? haha
Also, if those M2's are taking up too much room, feel free to send em up to NYC!

Haha! Yes sir, we have the Alumine 3’s and Alumine 5’s on display. Long story on how we ended up with Stenheim. The M2’s are pound for pound my favorite Magico. OMG, they are so good. Total disappearing act.

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The network port on the 866 is now certified for Roon. Nice!

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The 866 sounds like a fantastic integrated. I’m just not sure how I feel about no remote, or a dongle. Well, I do know. I don’t care for it.

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The 866 sounds like a fantastic integrated. I’m just not sure how I feel about no remote, or a dongle. Well, I do know. I don’t care for it.

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Boulder has several recommendations for conventional remotes. All are around $20. That’s what we use. I’m old school and prefer a traditional remote. It works great. You use it and forget it doesn’t come with a conventional remote. The ones they recommend (all available on Amazon) work all the functions.
Hi, looking at those photo's, compared to the boulder and gryphon, it does make me wonder, the cost of parts in the constellation amps, don't get me wrong, all the reviews of constellation amps are all, very positive, but the inside's, look more like an old valve amp of 20 years ago, it does not fill you with confidence, and they aren't cheep,
Well, as I mentioned, I loved the sound of the Constellation and the folks there are great. But it wasn’t a seller. People asked me why, and I heard everything from “oh, I saw the inside of those amps online and I’m not interested” to “I heard the build quality wasn’t great” to “I don’t like the looks.” All nonsense in my opinion, but the numbers don’t lie.

Sonically, the Constellation sounded most like tubes. They had sneaky power on tap too. Just when you think the amp would run out of juice, they kept on chugging.

I hate to say the Boulder is in another league, but it is certainly different in a good way. The build quality is second to none. That’s the truth. The sound is completely without fault in any area. Bass is tight and fast, mids are natural and beautifully rendered and the top end has all the detail, but is smooth. Very very smooth. The one thing I can say is that these Boulder amps have zero trace of solid state artifacts and characteristics. They sound like music. There is no region which sticks out - like puffy bass or a bright top end. Nothing to fault. The Boulders are dynamic and have seemingly endless power. That must be from the giant power cord! I think the sound can also be attributed in part to the magic of class A.

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Now that you have heard the Boulder 3060, where are you on the "another league" question?
Now that you have heard the Boulder 3060, where are you on the "another league" question?

Probably the best stereo amp I’ve ever heard. It’s drinking 240v. Completely unflappable.

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