Boulder 866


Apr 7, 2013
Anybody heard or bought the 866? Saw Mike's you-tube video looks promising.
I also got interested in this integrated after watching Mike's video with Magico A5. Sounds superb. Mike also posted another video on Esoteric F-03a with A5 and that sounds very good as well.

Mike, how do they compare ?
The Boulder is a winner. It has that engaging, full, meat on the bones, musical sound just like the 2160 amp. Incredible amp. World class.

The Esoteric is very very good as well, but 30 watts, so choose your speakers wisely.
I thought it was interesting you can add a photo for the input, like a photo of your actual turntable or whatever. You typically don't see flashy features like this on high end gear.
Heard this with a pair of DeVores and thought it sounded great, though I wasn’t intimately familiar with the setup/speakers. It was before the Roon cert so analog-only version.
It also looks pretty cool in-person (at least to me). Different, yes, but kind of cool.
Heard this with a pair of DeVores and thought it sounded great, though I wasn’t intimately familiar with the setup/speakers. It was before the Roon cert so analog-only version.


Which Devore speaker did you hear it with?
I believe they were the O/96’s.

Thank you. I own the O96 and was interested in them as a downsize from my current setup. Glad to hear that they work well together.

Wonder how good their DAC/Streamer is ...:reading:
I've been considering a new integrated and this one has my interest. How do you think the 866 stacks up relative to my Accuphase E-650? I value strong bass control and smoothness in the upper frequencies. The additional wattage isn't a big deal for me since my speakers are 96db and I listen at low volumes. My only experience with Boulder (and it was favorable) has been their separates and that was years ago. Travel restrictions have made it nearly impossible to audition in person so I'm left to rely on others' impressions.
I've been considering a new integrated and this one has my interest. How do you think the 866 stacks up relative to my Accuphase E-650? I value strong bass control and smoothness in the upper frequencies. The additional wattage isn't a big deal for me since my speakers are 96db and I listen at low volumes. My only experience with Boulder (and it was favorable) has been their separates and that was years ago. Travel restrictions have made it nearly impossible to audition in person so I'm left to rely on others' impressions.

For me it would come down to the 866 or Luxman 590x. Both are winners.

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For me it would come down to the 866 or Luxman 590x. Both are winners.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Since you have extensive experience with both, how would you compare the sound of the Boulder 866 to the Gryphon Diablo 300?

Since you have extensive experience with both, how would you compare the sound of the Boulder 866 to the Gryphon Diablo 300?

Very different. The Boulder 866 sounds like a class A amp. Rich, warm, musical. The Diablo 300 has a big bold sound, with thunderous monoblock bass and grip and a huge soundstage. I was talking to a customer this morning who was debating between these two integrated amps. He was coming from a Prima Luna and wanted to be done with tubes, done with the heat, but wanted to retain the sound. I suggested the 866 to meet his needs.
Hopefully I can give you some good feedback in a month or so...have the E650 as well, and ordered the 866 today. Life is short...))
Just hoping my old ears hear a difference...!