Boulder 1110/1160 Pre/Power Amplifier

I certainly love my Boulder 1160 amplifier. It's hands down the best amp I've ever owned.
You guys have probably cracked this one already but I wanted to find a way of switching on the 1160 at the same time as switching on the 1110. Although there is a "Boulder Net" option on the 1110 display screen under Setup etc, I couldn't find any guidance in the manuals that helped on this one. I emailed Boulder Sales and their guy Kenzo got back to me pronto and explained how to do it (apparently Boulder Net software is proving a bit of a headache). Anyway, you need to find the "ROOM" option box within the IP page for each unit and make sure they both show DEFAULT ROOM. Mine didn't for some reason.

So I made that change in the 1110 settings, switched off both units via the rear panel switches and then back on, and - bingo - all done. 1110 and 1160 both switch on now via the 1110 remote.

Apologies if you already know this or don't need it. My back and I just wanted to avoid bending down!

BTW I tried other forums on this one and no-one came up with the correct info. Well done Boulder.

Jeff I have my 1110/1160 combo set-up like this and it is a nice feature.
I also like the option to input custom names for each input on the 1110 pre-amp.
Agreed - it's good to be able to call the inputs exactly what you want! And extraordinary sound quality, of course.
