Best Bang For the Buck Used


New member
Jan 21, 2016
I keep looking for a preamp deal. I need a fully balanced unit and as such I am interested in Classe, Aesthetix, and Wyred 4 Sound. Which brings me to BAT. Holy cow there's a ton of different models on the used market. Anyone in particular that you love that usually goes for a decent price (I'm in that 2k-4K range). Geez...there's the 32se, the 40, 42 (I think) the se versions of those; then there's the 50,51,52,53,Rex...not to mention the 3i, 5i. Man oh man. So lay some knowledge on me brothers. And as ever I'm grateful for your input.
I have an LS-27 for $4500.

I also have a LS-15, BAT 3i, BAT VK50SE. The LS-27 is probably 90% as good as my REF5SE.

I can give you a basic review of each based on the REF5SE if you like.
I own a BAT VK-51se. When buying this model or any of the BAT's that use the 6 Pack with the multiple capacitors, make sure that the preamp does not make a popping sound when switching inputs. I bought mine used and had to replace all 6 caps. BAT will do it for just the cost of the parts. Luckily I have an EE friend who did it for free. Still cost me $260 in parts bought directly from Jensen, BAT wanted $900 for the parts.

The 51se sounds great but does not have the typical tube sound. It is more dynamic than an LS27 but the 27 has it beat in air and transparency with a bit more detail. The midrange and bass are better in the 51se, more weight and slam.

You may want to consider a Vinni Rossi tube preamp. Awesome sounding. Can be made balanced. Uses 6922 tubes. I am thinking about buying one.
To me, a used VAC preamp is the way to go. I have an old VAC Renaissance that I keep around and it sounds amazing.
I would add the Atma-Sphere MP-3 preamp to the mix. I was able to directly compare it to an LS27. The MP-3 was more musical and had a sweeter midrange than the LS27. The LS 27 had a more spacious sound. The dealer actually prefers the MP-3.
Audio Horizons is VERY VERY good for the money (around 2k used). I have also seen an Alnic for 4k on Agon. It is even better. Of course there are many good ones out there and quite a few dogs. I am familiar with these two. I had an Aesthetix and IMHO you can do much better with either of these.
Maybe you have some local audio friends that you could audition one of their pre's.
Good pre-amp deal? I'm a big fan of the Cary Audio SLP-05. Its a proper two box design [you've noticed i'm sure that many manufacturers "reference" pre-amp designs park the PSU in a separate chassis] and its fully balanced. The 6SN7 tubes as used in the Cary provide lots of flexibility to tailor sound.


If you would consider an unbalanced pre-amp then Lamm could be considered. I loved the old LL2 Deluxe version when I had one in my system. No remote control though! Now replaced with the 2.1 the original version can be had for around $2k



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Yes, second on the Cary 05. But I'm not sure that you can find one in the 2-4$k range.
And yes on the 6sn7's. They and the 6dl8/6922/7308 family of tubes are my favorites for small signal.
P.S. If you like 6SN7's, wait till you try using adapters and subbing 6F8G's. They take you to a completely sublime place. They are the grandfather of the 6sn7's and will work in any place that uses 6sn7's.
You guys are making me want to do a bargain blowout preamp extravaganza. Here is what would be the lineup.

1. ARC REF5SE as our reference
2. Parasound P5
3. ARC LS15
5. BAT VK3i
6. ARC LS27
7. Anodyne tube line stage (non production)

Might be an interesting comparison for shits and giggles.
Good pre-amp deal? I'm a big fan of the Cary Audio SLP-05. Its a proper two box design [you've noticed i'm sure that many manufacturers "reference" pre-amp designs park the PSU in a separate chassis] and its fully balanced. The 6SN7 tubes as used in the Cary provide lots of flexibility to tailor sound.


If you would consider an unbalanced pre-amp then Lamm could be considered. I loved the old LL2 Deluxe version when I had one in my system. No remote control though! Now replaced with the 2.1 the original version can be had for around $2k


I'm biased, but I do approve of this post.:audiophile: Incidentally, if you are patient, 05s can occasionally be found for $4K-$4,200.
Well, I made my choice....drum roll....

Allnic L3000 mkii

it's coming this Friday. I'll write my initial impressions soon after.
A most excellent choice. You will be thrilled with the sonics and amazed at how quiet it is. Congrats. Keep us posted on your thoughts.