Ayre KX-5 Twenty and VX-5 Twenty

Ayre and Magico = incredible synergy. Incredible.

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Mike, after everything I've read, and heard, it's clear that the KX-5 Twenty, and the Twenty series, in general, is simply superb equipment. Most of the reviews and commentary seem to focus on the amazing synergy of the KX-5 Twenty, and the VX-5 Twenty, used together. Such remarkable synergy of fine components like these, especially from the same series and a manufacturer like Ayre is not a surprise.

Have you had any opportunity to gauge how well the KX-5 performs with non-Ayre power amplification components? After hearing such great input regarding it, it's one of the short list of preamps I'm considering to partner with my VAC Signature 200iQ, which I know you have great familiarity with. Others under consideration are the older VAC Renaissance Signature MK.II, the VAC Signature IIa,and the McIntosh C500T. Thanks for any input on your experiences involving the KX-5 Twenty with non-Ayre amplifiers.

Mike, after everything I've read, and heard, it's clear that the KX-5 Twenty, and the Twenty series, in general, is simply superb equipment. Most of the reviews and commentary seem to focus on the amazing synergy of the KX-5 Twenty, and the VX-5 Twenty, used together. Such remarkable synergy of fine components like these, especially from the same series and a manufacturer like Ayre is not a surprise.

Have you had any opportunity to gauge how well the KX-5 performs with non-Ayre power amplification components? After hearing such great input regarding it, it's one of the short list of preamps I'm considering to partner with my VAC Signature 200iQ, which I know you have great familiarity with. Others under consideration are the older VAC Renaissance Signature MK.II, the VAC Signature IIa,and the McIntosh C500T. Thanks for any input on your experiences involving the KX-5 Twenty with non-Ayre amplifiers.


JC - I've tried the Ayre preamp with the VAC Signature 200iQ monos, Pass X350.8, Lampizator 211's and even a customers McIntosh 302. It's a terrific preamp, and is so good, it definitely makes people fall in love with the Ayre sound.

But if you're looking for synergy, the VAC Renaissance V preamp is the ticket. It has a tremendous synergy with the VAC 200iQ amps and voiced very similar with that gorgeous VAC house sound. The new Renaissance V is the same price as the Ayre preamp FWIW.

For sure!!!! I may not even get it set up next week as I have an overseas trip on the boards... but you can bet I'll report on it ASAP! I did audition it at Audio Connection NJ with my current speakers (Vandersteen treos) playing into - believe it or not - a Rotel power amp. Pretty sure I am not gonna be disappointed.
Hey folks, a question for the floor: I haven't yet fired up my new KX-5 Twenty as it arrived just before I had to fly overseas, but I did decant it and set it on my Salamander rack. One little issue that kinda popped up is that they use hard feet which are mighty slippery on the surface of the Salamander shelves. Slippery enough so that I think I need to batten it down a little. Anyone changed the feet on these or used any kind additional isolation products? I can try the myrtle blocks but I am not entirely sure they'd get me much more traction. :)
Hey folks, a question for the floor: I haven't yet fired up my new KX-5 Twenty as it arrived just before I had to fly overseas, but I did decant it and set it on my Salamander rack. One little issue that kinda popped up is that they use hard feet which are mighty slippery on the surface of the Salamander shelves. Slippery enough so that I think I need to batten it down a little. Anyone changed the feet on these or used any kind additional isolation products? I can try the myrtle blocks but I am not entirely sure they'd get me much more traction. :)

If you just want it to stay put I would get some of this liner under each foot. I have a roll of the stuff for use under floor mats and use the leftover for all kinds of stuff.


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You know, I actually thought of that - wife uses it to line the kitchen cabinet shelves. Yeah, it would do the trick. or I can just stick non-slip thingies on the bottom of the feet; I guess tho that I was sort of wondering if anyone has found that particular isolation devices are good with this unit and would also solve the ice-skating problem. Having just coughed up the $$ for the preamp itself I don't wanna go hogwild but would consider something like maybe the new Isoacoustics Oreas or a similar product. Or even just vibrapods or whatever.
My shelves aren't very slippery (shellacked birch ply) but I have my KX-5 Twenty on Mad Scientist "Blackpod" footers, which actually makes the preamp more slide-y because it's now resting on little spheres.
Honestly not sure how much difference it makes sonically. Picture is from Mad Scientist's site... no affiliation.



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I use Stillpoints under mine and have the footers blue-tagged to the preamp. That does not resolve the slippery element altogether, but it works well enough for me.

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Have heard stillpoints and am thinking of a set for my TT but yeah, not sure they'd be the right choice for this, at least not without something on the bottom, which might mess things up. Am actually thinking of trying Acoustifeet - cheap, the right size, and would affix themselves to the bottom of Ayre's feet. These are basically just jiggly silicone stick-ons designed to keep vibrations from computers from being transmitted to shelves, but I have a set on my music server and they seem to be good. I'm only out $5 plus shipping if I don't like them. BTW what power cords are people using with the Ayre Pre's? I have various Shunyatas and a Cardas, am forgetting which model now, but it's blue. :) Figure I'll do some experimenting.
Connecting it up right now... have to do a lot today but I expect to have it fired up late tonight or tomorrow. BTW somewhat contrary to Art Dudley's assessment, I didn't find the configuration interface to be that bad; yeah, you'll want to have the manual in your hand to give inputs custom names and set gain levels and stuff, but I didn't have any trouble following the manual's instructions and getting it done.
OK burning in now on some Robert Plant and Allison Kraus...stay tuned for my initial thoughts! BTW For now I just stuck some of the correct-durometer Acoustifeet on it.