

New member
Mar 3, 2017
Berlin, CT
I've had the amp for a couple of years now. I have always loved the detail, quickness and tone of the amp. At times I felt that I was missing some lower notes adn that it was a bit thin sounding on some recordings. I upgraded to the AQ Hurricane power cables and boy did that change things. Cleared up most of the issues I had. I recently installed a broken in pair of William Tell bi wire combo and have had a holy crap moment. Talk about system matching.

Everything is right. Bass is deep and accurate. The soundstage the depth, the tonality, the speed the.....

I've always said that Ayre is neither tube, nor SS and this cements it. Eventually I'd love to upgrade, but right now, this is incredible. I wonder how much more I'd get with the separates, but for now, this is really special. My Vandy buddies are all trying to get me to get the new Mono's and I know how great they are as I've heard them and will again this weekend, but the preamp is much more important than an amp in any system, and the Ayre pre amps are their best products. JMHO