Axpona 2018 - Memorable Rooms and Exciting New Products


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Memorable Rooms:

The VAC/Von Schweikert room with Esoteric (digital) and Kronos (analog) in a massive 35 x 65 room was absolutely mind blowing. The sheer size and scale of the sound in a room that could accommodate was awesome to hear.



The Avantgarde Trio room was gorgeously decorated with all the colors and accents blending perfectly. The Presidential Suite on the 16th floor was transformed into an Avantgarde Mecca. With Trio’s and a stack of bass horns, Zero XD’s and Uno XD’s. Awesome!


Exciting New Products:

The ARC REF160M’s. Pictures don’t do them justice and the sound is intoxicating. Can’t wait to get them into a system I know.


The Western Electric 91e. This 300b Integrated uses a new patented WE circuitry that’s capable of 22 Watts/channel in single ended mode.

The temporary case (for the show):


The final product will be in this case:



A nice pair of Avantgarde’s and a 91e anyone? like!

Cambridge Audio Edge

A new integrated and a new amp/preamp/DAC combo using new biasing technology. Exciting product at a fair price.


Verity Othelo Speakers

The fit and finish matches the sound. Gorgeous.


The Bryston stacking including their active speakers using the external Bryston crossover with built in DSP and a new 6 channel Bryston amp. Awesome sound.


Magico A3’s

I went to this room three days and it sounded amazing every day. They defy their price point. A grand slam home run.


VAC 170iQ

Awesome looking, AMAZING sound and great price point ($9995 without Phono).


Aurender Content Server

It looks like this product is getting ready for prime time. With its connectivity options, you will be able to attach it to a 12 CD disc feeder (or maybe two - TBD) and rip away!




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Did you hear any memorable speakers (beside Verity) that don't cost a kidney and need a barn-sized room?

Did you hear any memorable speakers (beside Verity) that don't cost a kidney and need a barn-sized room?

Besides the Magico A3’s? I heard nothing better under $10k. Nothing.

I really liked the Bryston active speakers - Mini T. What a system! Removing the crossover and making it external, feeding it with a 6 channel amp (tweeter, mids, Bass), DSP to compensate for the hotel room was all awesome!

I’ll be honest, I had so much ground to cover that if I walked into a room and they had stupid little speakers the size of something for a desktop computer, I moved on. There were lots of those rooms. Just no interest. You want something that size? Buy the KEF LS50’s or Harbeth P3’s, not much better IMO.

On the stand mount side, the MBL’s were terrific in a small hotel room. Not sure of the price though.

The new Ryan standmounts were good too. The little DynAudios too.

Aside from that, I heard the regular culprits and nothing stood out for me. But let me give it some more thought, review my pictures and notes and I’ll let you know.

All in all, a fun show. The rooms were a little awkward by the way they were laid out. Just couldn’t get easy access in or out. But if you’re patient, you’ll get your turn.

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Mike, Thanks for your photos and comments.

We had conflicts with a play Friday and a concert tonight so your coverage is appreciated.
Besides the Magico A3’s? I heard nothing better under $10k. Nothing.

I really liked the Bryston active speakers - Mini T. What a system! Removing the crossover and making it external, feeding it with a 6 channel amp (tweeter, mids, Bass), DSP to compensate for the hotel room was all awesome!

I’ll be honest, I had so much ground to cover that if I walked into a room and they had stupid little speakers the size of something for a desktop computer, I moved on. There were lots of those rooms. Just no interest. You want something that size? Buy the KEF LS50’s or Harbeth P3’s, not much better IMO.

On the stand mount side, the MBL’s were terrific in a small hotel room. Not sure of the price though.

The new Ryan standmounts were good too. The little DynAudios too.

Aside from that, I heard the regular culprits and nothing stood out for me. But let me give it some more thought, review my pictures and notes and I’ll let you know.

All in all, a fun show. The rooms were a little awkward by the way they were laid out. Just couldn’t get easy access in or out. But if you’re patient, you’ll get your turn.

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Thanks Mike.
those Stenheim speakers with the Vac look awesome - I hope they start to make inroads with USA distribution.
Besides the Magico A3’s? I heard nothing better under $10k. Nothing.

I’ll be honest, I had so much ground to cover that if I walked into a room and they had stupid little speakers the size of something for a desktop computer, I moved on. There were lots of those rooms. Just no interest. You want something that size? Buy the KEF LS50’s or Harbeth P3’s, not much better IMO.

All in all, a fun show. The rooms were a little awkward by the way they were laid out. Just couldn’t get easy access in or out. But if you’re patient, you’ll get your turn.

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Nice to briefly meet you at the show.

Agree on all the point above. The A3’s at 10k are really good, and for me they sounded best once the D’Agostino amp was brought in. My friend and I at the show made the same exact comment with respect to the small speakers, and why one wouldn’t just get LS50’s
those Stenheim speakers with the Vac look awesome - I hope they start to make inroads with USA distribution.

Hey Keith, I agree the Stenheims are excellent speakers--

Although I heard a comparative demo--same front end/etc with some Ocean Ways--I and couple of others present felt the OW's were more dynamic--

As the OW's are in your "backyard" maybe listen in order?

I also wanted to add, that although I rarely attend the seminars these days, I made a special point of attending the John Atkinson seminar. John was celebrating 50 years in the hobby and just to hear him talk, honestly, yet diplomatically, was very quite entertaining. I have the utmost respect for John. He has been my favorite writer for quite some time. I love how he combines his listening experience with meaningful measurements. I also hold him in the highest regard in terms of professionalism and integrity. As honest as the day is long, he's also quite the visionary - seeing the importance of creating separate sections and sites for digital, headphones, analog and everything in between.

In his seminar, he discussed a variety of topics and took us on a brief journey through his career. He answered all the questions honestly and definitely left me with a sense of relief that he was still in charge at Stereophile after the acquisition and is still the same visionary and still working as hard as ever.

The seminar was being recorded and once posted online, I highly recommend watching it.
I shouldn't post this as Joe is subscribed. LOL

Also, I am eating a bit of crow as I have been on record as not being a fan of either ARC or Wilson. However, I have no problem with giving an honest opinion which often gets me into trouble.

With all that being said, and I rarely, if ever, can pick a best of show, it's just too hard with so much good stuff. This year is an exception. Mike is being modest about the 160M's Them driving the Alexa 2's were outstanding. Peter was there showing the difference between MQA and non-MQA on the same tracks. On a full orchestral piece that system hit so hard I was in disbelieve, what hit me :) The system also allowed the emotion to come through on prior Classical tracks played.

The first time I heard MQA. On one hand with MQA it seemed the tracks were smoother with better resolution. However, on the track I mentioned with the drum percussion I thought it hit harder without MQA. Maybe at that point I knew it was coming.

Back to my point, those 160M's are some bad ass amps, they can be sweet and gentle when called for and hit like Mike Tyson if needed. Though different times, different music, I'd still put the 106M's against most any amp I've heard in solid state or tube. I was absolutely impressed. Some bulk at the price of audio gear these days but in comparison, in my opinion the 106M's are a deal at $30k a set.

I wonder if anyone else heard that demo? That was a big room, that percussion from the drum hit me right in the chest. A hit like that from a tube amp......
Another observation at Axpona this year: digital ruled the roost.

Most of the rooms (90%??) were playing digital.

But ironically, the only room that gave me goosebumps was when the Zesto guys were playing Nat King Cole on vinyl. Ha!


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