Axpona 2017 Best Of


Battles ! Wait a min , Any thoughts on the best TT guys ....??

well...Audi has the best TT, of course. But I'm still chapped about unfounded accusations by ctsooner....
And Charlie and Nelson both have speakers designed to work with them so pick your flavor and enjoy. Plus I really don't think there voicing is all that different especially when compared to other brands.
To Doug Schneider,

I have no place to listen and was reading your review of the Ayre [Acoustics] VX-5. My question is about how you describe the amp as laid-back [sounding]. Is that referring to the soundstage where I may feel further back in the venue or to the transients and immediacy of the amp?

I listen to a wide variety of music, including rock, so transients are important as well as transparency. Sounds like the musicality is covered. If you wouldn’t mind commenting in these areas of the amp.


In my room, the VX-5 presented a very wide and deep soundstage with my reference recordings, but the front of the stage was consistently set back a little more than I heard with amps from Hegel Music Systems, Bryston, or Blue Circle. Likewise, I found that the VX-5 is not as immediate or visceral sounding as those brands’ amps, either. Instead, the VX-5’s sonic strengths are smoothness and liquidity, qualities that make it easy to listen to for hours on end without risking listening fatigue. Because of those attributes, some have likened the sound of Ayre’s amps, which are solid-state designs, to being a bit like tubed amps, particularly in the seductive way they present the midrange and highs. As a result, if you’re looking for an amplifier that sounds fast, immediate, and a little bit in-your-face, which is what usually best suits rock, the VX-5 might not be the best choice -- though you’d really have to listen for yourself to know for sure. . . . Doug Schneider

IF Ayre and Pass are similar in this presentation I believe that is why I switched to the Levinson from my former Pass. It's personal taste but for me music, unless recorded that way, shouldn't be laid back. Not overly aggressive or "in your face" either. Just as it should be, which I accept is our own judgment. Even if you see the orchestra do Stravinski I don't want to put that piece on my system and have it sound like the orchestra has all taken Benadril :). I want an amp to play Patricia Barber soft and seductive when she is and give me the energy Metallica should have.
That is interesting. I think it very much comes down to preference.

I once bought a Hegel, but could not sell it fast enough because it was so etchy. Have to disagree with Doug on the pace though, the Ayre amps are lightning fast. I also did not perceive the Hegel being particularly fast, just having a sharp edge in the highs.

I would agree that Pass is a little bit more laid back compared to Ayre - I do own both.

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Mr P, I think that is that is the personal preference I am referring to. I am also a person who likes to listen to analogue, so I might be particularly sensitive to any edginess.

What is not my preference might be what others particularly enjoy. And that is perfectly ok btw. We're all in this for some personal enjoyment.

The differences might also be very subtle: I just replaced a Cat 5 cable between my wireless router and the Aurender with an AQ Vodka Cat 6 and suddenly I do like my digital system again. A lots actually.

Others might think that does not have an impact at all, but I am currently just a bit bamboozled (in a good way) about the impact.

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Mr P, I think that is that is the personal preference I am referring to. I am also a person who likes to listen to analogue, so I might be particularly sensitive to any edginess.

What is not my preference might be what others particularly enjoy. And that is perfectly ok btw. We're all in this for some personal enjoyment.

The differences might also be very subtle: I just replaced a Cat 5 cable between my wireless router and the Aurender with an AQ Vodka Cat 6 and suddenly I do like my digital system again. A lots actually.

Others might think that does not have an impact at all, but I am currently just a bit bamboozled (in a good way) about the impact.

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The AQ Ethernet cables make a considerable difference. The Diamond is really impressive with detail retrieval.
The AQ Ethernet cables make a considerable difference. The Diamond is really impressive with detail retrieval.

Mike, I must say I was truly surprised.

I think you pointed out that observation out on another thread earlier.

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Guys, Mike isn't kidding. For ethernet cable, the AQ cables in all price ranges are really something else, but once you go diamond, you never go back. Even for USB cables, I like TotalDac and Diamond above all others I've heard to date and I've heard many of the exotic's in various stores and friends systems. They just sound correct and the music has a pace and rhythm about it that sounds good to my ears. I think it's because it has such great detail. I'm putting the rest of my fiber optic ethernet together and will use Diamond for the ethernet connection to my Ayre QX5/20. I've heard that type of connection a few times and it's always outstanding and in the same system sounds better than the "USB connection. JMHO, but go get a piece of Diamond USB or ethernet and try it out. I'd be curious as to how others feel it sounds in their systems.
That is interesting. I think it very much comes down to preference.

I once bought a Hegel, but could not sell it fast enough because it was so etchy. Have to disagree with Doug on the pace though, the Ayre amps are lightning fast. I also did not perceive the Hegel being particularly fast, just having a sharp edge in the highs.

I would agree that Pass is a little bit more laid back compared to Ayre - I do own both.

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Interesting! As we all know different people perceive sound differently!

I owned a Hegel H30 for years and never, ever found it to be edgy. Honest sounding yes. But edgy no... not at all disputing your experience or impression just was never apparent or present in my system.

I also own a VX-5 Twenty and a KX-5 Twenty and have them paired with Marten Bird 2 speakers. I do agree they are smooth and liquid sounding. I agree they are not slow. Really love the gear and find it perfect in how I use it (mostly for social listening/not critical listening per se). I agree though solid state their are some tube like attributes in its presentation.

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Interesting! As we all know different people perceive sound differently!

I owned a Hegel H30 for years and never, ever found it to be edgy. Honest sounding yes. But edgy no... not at all disputing your experience or impression just was never apparent or present in my system.

I also own a VX-5 Twenty and a KX-5 Twenty and have them paired with Marten Bird 2 speakers. I do agree they are smooth and liquid sounding. I agree they are not slow. Really love the gear and find it perfect in how I use it (mostly for social listening/not critical listening per se). I agree though solid state their are some tube like attributes in its presentation.

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You see, there is a way of coming together [emoji3].

My Hegel reference was regarding the H300 integrated. The H30 I also tested extensively, and while I never owned it, I quite liked it. Bass definition was superb.

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That is interesting. I think it very much comes down to preference.

I once bought a Hegel, but could not sell it fast enough because it was so etchy. Have to disagree with Doug on the pace though, the Ayre amps are lightning fast. I also did not perceive the Hegel being particularly fast, just having a sharp edge in the highs.

I would agree that Pass is a little bit more laid back compared to Ayre - I do own both.

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Was it the integrated? Other than the H30, the other products are "meh" and since a change in distributor person here, the brand has really fallen off the radar. The guy they had running Hegel USA before was awesome. He really got the brand on the map here and he was terrific to deal with. Since the change a couple of years ago, meh.
Not sure Mike, the H30 is quite nice. With a tube front, it can be nice. Still missed a little the all important midrange.

The lower-end products I am not so convinced of. Owned the H200 - upgraded it quickly, owned the H300 - sold it quickly. Also owned a couple of their DACs, but did not stick with them.

Happy with Meitner/ Ayre for now.

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Not sure Mike, the H30 is quite nice. With a tube front, it can be nice. Still missed a little the all important midrange.

The lower-end products I am not so convinced of. Owned the H200 - upgraded it quickly, owned the H300 - sold it quickly. Also owned a couple of their DACs, but did not stick with them.

Happy with Meitner/ Ayre for now.

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An amp to try is the Pass X350.8.

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An amp to try is the Pass X350.8.

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Not to unleash a firestorm here, but IMHO Hegel does not come even close to what Pass can do. Especially the soundstage and highs are special on the latter. This is personal preference, but I just admire the work of Nelson Pass.

As said, have owned both brands before. But I am still a Pass owner, need to check out the X350.8 - it must be awesome.

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Not to unleash a firestorm here, but IMHO Hegel does not come even close to what Pass can do. Especially the soundstage and highs are special on the latter. This is personal preference, but I just admire the work of Nelson Pass.

As said, have owned both brands before. But I am still a Pass owner, need to check out the X350.8 - it must be awesome.

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Yes. I spoke with Desmond at Pass at length at Axpona. Let's just say, what he described the X350.8 doing sonically was enough for me to write a check on the spot. It's one of those "even we are shocked it turned out so damn good." I know from Bruce and Peter who both own the X350.8 - it's a good move. Bruce who has owned some world class gear told me it's the best amp he's ever owned.

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