Today’s Avantgarde Duo XD Install

thank you for the awesome write up. interesting comment re the burm - i feel like back when i used to lurk and not post you had the 911 monos for some time? i might be remembering.

i got my brother (also a ny'er) into audio. he's been happy with a single rig: dyn x16 and line magnetic 216 but he loves to come over and let the magicos shake the walls :)

I did have Burmester 911mk3 stereo then sold that and bought 911mk3 monos. I finally felt that the treble was a little much for me but I can understand why there’s love for the brand.

I’m sure your system is awesome.
Funny you say that, I’d rather buy stereo gear :)

Hi Joe,

I did own the Duo Mezzo G2 and I must say they are very musical, paired with Avantgarde's own Pre/Power combo. However, I've always heard, read but never own in person, except hearing at the store's their paring with tubes and I must say they are very musical. I am thinking of the smaller Uno XD, something which Mike did advised but because I've already made commitment to the Raidho 3.1, I REGRETFULLY went for that far more expensive speakers where I could paired them with Air Tight now obsoleted ATE2001 Phono/Pre and the then ATM-211. While I have to start enjoying my purchases and not dream too much of this combo (with the newer Air Tight ATC-5 Pre, ATM-300R & their newer Phono Preamp, or a Condo setup), my thinking is, and a suggestion, you should try the SET Tubes way. of course, there are many other great tube amps that may fit your taste.

In the end, I think tubes the way to partner Avantgarde but then, like Mike had said, great SS can still be singing with them.

Enjoy the speakers and the search for their "right" partners, its a fantastic journey and a great way to enjoy while doing that! Me? I have stopped, not by choice but for the love of my ears and sanity (too music nagging before sleeping is bad for the mind and head), not that its bad, but a reminder from my better half I had been too wayward in my search for the right combo. Cheers!
Thank you Jerry.

I appreciate what you are saying.

I do have a 300B SET amp and 45 SET amp but am finding that some of my solid state gear is just as satisfying but in a different way. My overall favorite solid state so far is the First Watt SIT-3 amp. Absolutely love it!
Thank you Jerry.

I appreciate what you are saying.

I do have a 300B SET amp and 45 SET amp but am finding that some of my solid state gear is just as satisfying but in a different way. My overall favorite solid state so far is the First Watt SIT-3 amp. Absolutely love it!

Joe, with the SIT-3, have you tried it without the resistors?


(The resistors are recommended for those running 16/18/19 ohm speakers. The resistors bring the impedance down to around 8ohms (8.18 in my case with a 15ohm resistor). The SIT-3 likes to see an 8ohm load.

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I have not. I went straight to a 12 ohm resistor that brings me down to approx 7.2 ohms and love what I hear.
My main amp is Kondo but this Finale amp at 4 watts is actually more than enough juice to fill my room (14x23 ) without sweat ( I do play lot of big complex music as well )also tried the Audio Note 2A3 with 2 watts. No problemo . I even like to try with 45 amps some day :) well now I’m waiting my Accuphase E650 to arrive. Let’s see how that baby sound like.



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Congrats Paul, the local guys make really good looking amps.

Thanks Jack. He really does and I’m quite surprised by its sound and build quality plus it’s dead quiet. I tried many tube amps and lot of them have either hum or hissing noise but so far either my Kondo or Finale are just quiet as any other SS amps. Very satisfied.

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Paul, the Kondo is a real beauty. Congrats on your new stable of amps. I know how happy you are with your Avantgarde’s and I am very happy for you. You have a live performance in your room every night.
Paul, the Kondo is a real beauty. Congrats on your new stable of amps. I know how happy you are with your Avantgarde’s and I am very happy for you. You have a live performance in your room every night.

Seriously I can’t stop listen to my Mezzo + Kondo w NOS tubes are just out of this world. Whoa
Seriously I can’t stop listen to my Mezzo + Kondo w NOS tubes are just out of this world. Whoa

Hi Paul,

What Kondo amps specifically are you using?


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Looks awesome 👍😄
do you recall the size of the room ? I am looking either the Uno or the Duo, but not sure my room is big enough for the Duos (16” x 22”)
Hi Jim
that would be way too big. I would have to sit on one of horns :D

In 2001, I installed a pair of Trios in a client’s dedicated 19x14x10 room. It became well known around the world, with companies such as VIVA & Audiopax traveling from Italy & Brazil to hear it. He later had a rooom - dedicated - approximately the size of yours. In that room, I installed triple bass horns with his Trios, again with rave comments...
Great:) that must have been an experience to listen to. I have heard the trio with trible bashorns at a show in a hotel. That room was very big ( 22x 44”) but it was great sound
Great:) that must have been an experience to listen to. I have heard the trio with trible bashorns at a show in a hotel. That room was very big ( 22x 44”) but it was great sound

IMO, it an only be done in a smaller space IF it is a dedicated room. And the Basshorns can NEVER be set up in the center for ultimate performance.
RE Amps with Avantgardes;

Out of the hundreds I've listened to & set-up, for me, it's been good tubes amps all the way. The great SS amps have decent detail & tonality, but they are simply not as musically engaging. They sound a bit mechanical, IMO. There may be a ss amp out there (such as the SIT-3) that doesn't sound a bit mechanical with Avantgardes, but I've not yet heard it.