Adding subwoofers to the Duo Omega


New member
Jun 9, 2018
Ok guys - would like to hear from anyone who's done this.
So - yeah - the sub225 is ok - but lags behind the horn section of the speakers.
Is it worth adding a single or a pair of subwoofers to the mix to enhance the listening experience?

Would love to hear from someone who has added subwoofers to their horns.

Currently contenders are REL S5 SHO or JL Fathom f112v2.
Go one to start - two later perhaps.

When you added your subwoofer did you stop using the sub225 units?

If you went Rel - what connection method worked best for you?
Did you upgrade the speaker/connection cable to the subwoofer?
Did you need an external crossover to make things sound good?
Where did you place your subwoofer/s?

I'd appreciate any real world experience, not just with Duo Omega, but with any of the Avantgarde speakers current and past.

Thanks again.

While I don't own your brand of speakers I did add Rel G1's to my stereo system. To optimize them, I used a calibrated USB microphone and an iPad app called AudioTools. Using the Spectral analysis part of that app and a pink noise file I played through my system and monitored with the mike at my listening point, I found the problem that needed to be corrected. There was a bass "suck-out "between 30 and 50 Hz. By that I mean the level of bass in that band was significantly below the level of the rest of the spectrum (which was pretty flat) out to 20KHz. No amount of manipulation of listening spot or room treatments could fix the problem without causing issues elsewhere in the spectrum.

Enter the REL Subs. I positioned them behind my M3's and slightly inboard towards the center of the room. I set the cut-off (internal to the sub) at 50Hz and ran a few measurements at different volume levels until the signal level reached rough parity with the rest of the frequency spectrum. I liked what I heard so that's where I stopped. The beauty of the REL's is that you connect the inputs up to your amp outputs and don't need anything else.

This process is easy for the layman and objectively (illustrated by quantitative data) it works. Hopefully you find this process useful. It would be the same for any speaker / room. If you wanted to be really techie, you could take the same measurements with the subs pointing in different directions 90 degrees apart and in different locations from the rear and side walls. I felt I was at the point of diminishing returns so I quit after I had a reasonably flat spectrum for 15-20,000 Hz

I'm using subs on my AG Duo Mezzo XDs. So no help with using not using the sub225.

I'm still in the playing stage trying things, but I'm currently using the AGs crossover to do a high pass at 50 hz and setting the low pass on the subs at 50.

I've always found running the speaker full range and only adding the sub, so this is a little different this time. Mostly since the speaker and sub use the exact same crossover programing, it seems to be matching up great.

Def a nice addition.
"Jock", seems high for the crossover, but, I guess it is what sounds best, comes to the fore..., not what we believe to be.
Ok guys - would like to hear from anyone who's done this.
So - yeah - the sub225 is ok - but lags behind the horn section of the speakers.
Is it worth adding a single or a pair of subwoofers to the mix to enhance the listening experience?

Would love to hear from someone who has added subwoofers to their horns.

Currently contenders are REL S5 SHO or JL Fathom f112v2.
Go one to start - two later perhaps.

When you added your subwoofer did you stop using the sub225 units?

If you went Rel - what connection method worked best for you?
Did you upgrade the speaker/connection cable to the subwoofer?
Did you need an external crossover to make things sound good?
Where did you place your subwoofer/s?

I'd appreciate any real world experience, not just with Duo Omega, but with any of the Avantgarde speakers current and past.

Thanks again.

The REL woefully lags behind. The JL is better. You really want to look at the 231XD subs from Avantgarde. XD is in a whole different league from the old 225’s.