Some People Want Their Cars In their Home

Will they allow subwoofers? People below them pounding on the ceilings with broomsticks, or honking the horns of their cars.


PS. I actually knew a fellow who remodeled the living room of his home to feature a glass enclosed room facing the street where he had a Cord parked - not to be driven, but just admired. He was quite eccentric- lived in Las Vegas and collected large scale props from hotels when they were getting rid of stuff. He had a large gondola in the backyard from the Venetian or some other strip hotel. Later actually became Lt. Governor of Nevada. He lived in a nice subdivision, but started by building a second story on the house, then an observatory dome and planetarium dome above that. He ended up buying three or four houses adjoining his and building a minature railroad connecting the roofs of the houses, so he and his family could travel between the houses without walking on the street. I heard that his neighbors who didn't sell to him were not very pleased. After divorcing his first wife, she moved into one of the adjoining houses.
Some people have all type of extravaganza, it's all good as long that they don't interfere with other's own extravagance.
If my neighbor wants to install a car rack in his living room I have zero problem with that. He still is my neighbor and I respect all my neighbors, like all my friends and family and pets.

That was an interesting small little story Larry, from your postscript.

Living in apartments and condos is not for me, even with three-foot thick cement walls, floor and ceiling and doors.
Living in high rise buildings and skyscrapers is also not for me, it's hard to move heavy gear on the 108th floor.

That Porsche tower in Florida, it's perfect for some type of people who want their precious cars near by. I got zero issue with that, we all have our own desires and pleasures in life. It doesn't hurt anyone. Some towers come in various flavors just like the people living in them.
Trump has a very nice penthouse in his Trump tower, I don't see the guy driving, he has his own chauffeur and a go-cart for playing golf.