New photos of Randy's system ...

Randy, notice any improvements with those IsoAcoustics sub isolators? I certainly have, with every sub(s) I've used them with.

The main reason I got them was because when Cheryal is in the office below the music room, the subs would irritate her. Definitely helped with that.
Randy - looking good. May I ask how your AM/FM reception is with the Mac tuner, and what you are using for an antenna?
Hey Scotty, the reception is excellent, and this is not a big metro area. Far from it. I am using a Magnum Dynalab ST-2. Just sitting next to the window.

Ok, reconfigured the system to get the Mc stack look. Pain in the butt, but I like it. If I ever add a Mc amp it would replace the NAD on the bottom and the system would have a full Mc stack :D.

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Some new picts with a vintage Mc amp. Sounds wonderful!

I really love this new McIntosh pre-amplifier. My favorite ever. It sounds as good as any I have owned, including the Audio Research, the Hattor with optional tube stage, and the Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Stage 2. In controls and ease of use nothing is better, without the flash of the C53. It just emanates quality.

The amp is new enough to have XLR inputs, easy to attach modern speaker cables, and it has the Mc power control so that current pre-amps can control it. It also sounds great, definitely vintage McIntosh sound!

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Sweet looking setup! Bet it sounds great.

Thanks, and for me, for my personal tastes and desires it is fantastic. It gives me what I want in a system. I may eventually get a new Mc amp or upgrade the modular DAC built into the C49 depending on what Mc releases in the future.
New photos of new room with new amp (finally)! The Kansas City dealer really took care of everything!

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Looking good. The vinyl rack looks awesome (especially for a guy who swore he wouldn’t do vinyl!)

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Now that I have everything together (replacement amp in place, etc.) I figured this would be a good time to post the most up to date photos. I posted these in the McIntosh thread, but I know not everyone watches the Mc thread :).

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