My humble setup

very nice but tell us, inquiring minds need to know…………what's your toupee doing resting on top of one of your speakers ?? …….. :snicker:

hehehe, that is for when I want to be a Golden Haired Sheila. I sure could use a wig these days.

I always place rabbit furs on top of my speakers just in case. We are both trained but sometimes you just have to quickly set something down.
I rearranged my Family Room setup a while ago. I did have the JM in the corner cabinets next to fireplace and they were driven by a Rotel Receiver that sits in the main rack in the Living Room. Since I rarely use that as it is mostly for driving the outside patio speakers, I dropped some cheap Polks in their place.

I could use a better rack here but we like the TV being up higher to watch from the kitchen.

Here is my full Solid State setup that starts with an OPPO93 to do Movies/Music/Streaming > into a 90s Hafler 945 Pre/Tuner > into the Odyssey Stratos Plus > driving JM Labs Tantal 509s all wired with Tara Labs. The other two items in the rack are a non working but never used cassette deck and a HDDVR. TV is a Sony XBR4.

Well, Brian I have not seen any of your stuff until now.
Going back to the first system, there is not much that is humble about it! Beautiful main speakers, Rotel gear is not humble and Oppo is from what I hear far from humble and one of the best companies around. I'm hoping to get an Oppo piece one day.
Also, love that three tiered natural end-table!
I have a VTI rack too, serving my vintage system. Beautiful racks, but those shelves scratch just by looking at them sideways, don't they?

In your latest pick here.....hey there is something I recognize in there. he he he!:)

My systems are more humble I think.
Very cool rig! I grew up in a house with Clearfield Contientals. My dad has had a bunch of speakers come and go over the years but always had a soft spot for those. They're capable of great sound when done right.
Very cool rig! I grew up in a house with Clearfield Contientals. My dad has had a bunch of speakers come and go over the years but always had a soft spot for those. They're capable of great sound when done right.

Thats cool Gopher. Right now they are sounding their best with my Pre re-tube.

I have not been able to talk with more than 3 people who know these speakers and one of them was Albert :)
This transitioned once again. In the latest pic just above, the JM Labs speakers were replaced with Dynaudio 82s and the JMs went back to work in their original 3rd system and into the built in corner cabinets of same room. So I have 2 different setups that have their speakers in the Family Room. System 3 also drives my outdoor patio speakers.

I love both my 2nd and 3rd systems because I do not listen to the Gear at all when they are playing, just enjoy the music. In the 2 pics below, the JMs are in the corner cabinets, and they are driven from a Rotel receiver and an OPPO93 (lower left of pic 2) connected to 4 different gauges of under speced wire twisted together where needed. Although I do agree that certain wires make a difference, nobody would guess that these speakers are not wired directly and properly :)

2nd system on left of this first pic has changed to what is above with Dynaudio speakers.


It has been a long time since I updated this thread and lots of changes.


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Nice update Brian ! Although I must admit, my back aches looking at your TT so low in the rack !
So what all changed?
The Counterpoint amp blew the warmup circuit and could not be replaced. It had to have a secondary manual switch wired in so I sold it to someone wanting to drive some MLs and knew what to do. I used the VAC-Stratos combo for a while.

Once I decided I wanted to get new speakers, I sold the Clearfields but miss them for what they were. That and a bunch of other gear I bought and sold financed the new Fynes. Prior to that I bought the Luxman 505UXII.

My wife picked up a package deal of gear and we sold off everything but an almost new Rega P3 so slowly getting back into vinyl. I got back over 40 of my old records I gave to my brother in the 80s in the exact condition as then. I bought a simple Spin Clean and they all sound fantastic.

I moved the VAC-Stratos-Dynaudio system to the Family Room.

Then last January, the Fyne Audio F502SPs showed up. Took some breaking in of both my ears and the drivers but they are awesome now.

After that, I replaced the Rotel 1072 with the 1572 and added some Nordost White Lightning XLRs.

I am using a mix of PS Audio AC3s, Cullen, Shunyata Power Cords

Speaker cables are currently older Tara Labs Prism Bi-Wire cables that replaced the Synergistic Research a few months ago.

This was a great step up for me and took a few years of saving to pull it off but both myself and my wife love the sound and looks.

I use an OPPO 93 between 3 setups, HT, Main, and the Rotel RX-1050 that drives the JM Labs in the Family room and some outdoor Athenas on the patio.