Mike's Systems


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Main Listening Room: Avantgarde Duo Mezzo XD, Lampizator Big 7, Lumin U1, Berkeley Audio Design Alpha Reference DAC, Berkeley Audio Alpha USB, Triode Corporation of Japan TRX-M300 monos, Pass XS150 dual chassis monos, Pass XS Preamp, Pass XS Phono, Living Voice OBX-RW, Air Tight ATM-3 monos, Air Tight ATC-2 Preamp, Air Tight ATE-2 Phonostage, Air Tight ATH-2REF SUT, VAC Renaissance preamp (modified), Kronos Pro with ZYX Universe Premium Cartridge, Technics 1500 R2R (modified by Jeff Jacobs), Lumin S1 Network Music Player, T+A PDP3000HV, Aurender N10, full Siltech loom including Royal Signature Prince Speaker Cables, Phono cable and AES/EBU, Siltech Classic Series IC's and PC's.

Home Theater:Mirage Surround Speakers, Seaton Subs, Bryston 9BSST2, Marantz MM7025, Marantz 8801, Oppo 105, Sony HWS30 projector, Stewart Screen

Family Room: Avantgarde Zero XD, Aurender N100H, Focal Utopia Scala V2's, Devialet 400, VPI Classic 3 w/Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, Oppo 95, Ansuz Mainz 8, Ansuz Sparkz (2), Ansuz Darkz (12), Kimber Power Cables, Kimber Select Speaker Cables and IC's.
Mike, how about - similar to Steve, post some COMPREHENSIVE photos?
Mike...That's going to be a lot of photos! Would be interested in seeing your commissioned Siltech loom. :D
I can't believe anyone wants ME to take the photos. I need Jaxwired to come here. That guy can take some amazing photos. I'm worse than the great aunt who chops off people's heads in the photos.
OK, wifey says she will take the pics. She's a photographer with all kinds of fancy lenses and GIANT camera bodies with names like 5D mk3 with GIANT battery packs and lenses that have a red line on them. Apparently the red line makes it better. :P
RE: Siltech - I've completely stopped thinking of other cables - except more Siltech. :)
I can't believe anyone wants ME to take the photos. I need Jaxwired to come here. That guy can take some amazing photos. I'm worse than the great aunt who chops off people's heads in the photos.

Mike here's a pic of you hard at work getting ready to play some Neil Young on the Kronos.



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RE: Siltech - I've completely stopped thinking of other cables - except more Siltech. :)

That would mean shifting some of that good stuff you have been playing with to your loyal circling sharks before upgrading to the Triple Crowns! :fingers:

I'm thing about an AES/EBU but not sure I can swing it here. May have to settle for a Furutech Digiflux...
I found the Golden Ridge II AES/EBU to be a relatively reasonable price if lengths are short. I haven't compared it to anything but the sound coming form my Bryston BDP-2 into my Lexicon via the cable is superb. I was initially thinking about the Golden Eagle II but the cable would have been more than the BDP and I'm trying hard to control doing that, having cables worth more than the gear.
Siltech, buy once, sell nunce! Mike loving the system pics & yes I can't wait for my cables to arrive too.
Siltech, buy once, sell nunce! Mike loving the system pics & yes I can't wait for my cables to arrive too.

Kev - what's coming? Do tell...do tell...

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Who's sexy back is that ?

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Kev - what's coming? Do tell...do tell...

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Hmmm, not sure I want to now, too scared to turn my back to Paul. :what::brushteeth::panic: j/k Paul.. :D got 3 mtrs of the same speaker cable as yours, prince. That'll means my vinyl is Siltech from woe to go
Mike, your music room is stunning. I have saved the picture for ideas for my sound room that will be built. The equipment...particularly the speakers just leave m me in awe
Mike.. I just wanted to say, dayum son.. Well played. I'm sure that room sounds awesome.