I REALLY think I am done

I came very close to buying then driving to Fl from CHi to get of Kharma db11's on agon a month or so ago and decided instead to trust in experience that my room would be too small. Congrats on the new system.

That’s why you work with a dealer and done buy used. Avoid mistakes.

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I definitely trusted your experience. It was just an opportunity to try a beautiful $$$ speaker, I’m really not bored or dissatisfied with the Blades.
That’s why you work with a dealer and done buy used. Avoid mistakes.

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Agree with this. There is this gnawing, "hobbyist", drive in many of us to read forums, view the exercise of moving components in and out of our systems as fun or cool (it's not), and playing around as an audiophile. As I look back over the years, I lived with sound I didn't like for many years because of this approach, and never had the time or energy to swap pieces in and out until I achieved the desired result. An experienced dealer is the best way to achieve the end product of getting the sound you are looking for, and sitting back and enjoying the music.
Hey Craig - I remember when you received those Stradivari's and MC2301's from your initial posting. Doesn't seem like it was 8 years ago; dang how time flies. Anyways Sir, Gorgeous system and thanks for the memory lane trip. Sit back and enjoy:yahoo1:

Best sir,

I remember a YT video Mike did a few years ago on analog. One of his comments stuck with me. Paraphrasing - You don’t need to go crazy in analog. Just get a good TT and spin your old albums and maybe buy new ones. It doesn’t have to be stressful.

Roll the clock forward - I buy the Block amp system with the fabulous line amp. ‘For free’ it comes with a magnificent Phono pre which combined with a recent purchase of a used ClearAudio Performance SE TT, I find myself listening to vinyl quite a bit. Part of that is the ‘newness’ of it. Reliving the 70’s but also playing my parents oooolllldddd albums and having great memories.

That’s what Mike was talking about.
..One of his comments stuck with me. Paraphrasing - You don’t need to go crazy in analog. Just get a good TT and spin your old albums and maybe buy new ones. It doesn’t have to be stressful...

Having to get off the couch to change a record, or CD for that matter, is always stressful.