Chops' Current System Pics ....

Make-shift amp stands utilizing a couple shelves from my old audio rack and those white quartz slabs I had made some years ago. Just something to get them off the floor. I was going to buy a couple of Pangea amp stands to match the two audio racks I already have, but I think I want to go with something better, so these will work for now.



And my little music/audio buddy still approves!

Haven't used this old gem in a while. 44 years old and still works and looks like new when my father purchased it back in 1979.


Really nice pic..!!! And that turntable is indestructible...

Thank you!

I believe my father purchased that turntable in Manhattan (his office was on the 51st floor of the Empire State Building). We lived in East Hartford, CT at the time. That table went from there to Jacksonville, FL, then to Lakeland, FL, then to Niagara Falls, NY, back to Lakeland, then to St Petersburg, FL, back to Lakeland again, and now in Winter Haven.

It has never skipped a beat and the ONLY two repairs done to it was replacing the old auto tonearm return belt about 6 years ago, and about 4 years before that, I replaced/upgraded the stock RCA connectors because one of the channels started an intermittent issue which was in the stock connector.
Nice arrangement of gear you have there and a plus with the kitties.

Thank you, George!

I'm very grateful that I have been able to make such significant upgrades to this system in the past year. And of course, the kitties are a necessity for proper music reproduction and relaxation. :happy:
One of these days I'm going to make it all the way from Wesley Chapel to Winter Haven if invited. :rolleyes:

You're invited! At least my walls won't stab you if you get too close to them. LOL

Hahahaha, pack lunch hell of a trip Dat ..!


It's not that bad. Just over 50 miles, about an hour drive or so. I used to do more than that when I lived in St Pete and worked in Lakeland... 60 miles each way, twice a day.
Nothing has changed in the system, except a little subwoofer and Maggie placement tweaking here and there. Other than that, the gear has all remained the same and I plan on keeping it that way. I have zero complaints with this system and have no reason to look for upgrades. Well... I do want to eventually do Danny Richie's (GR-Research) crossover upgrades on the Maggies. That will easily make these 1.7i's blow away Magnepan's own way overpriced 1.7x variant.


You did good with the Pass Labs, as well as the rest of the gear! The XP-20 is pretty much bullet proof. I've had mine for a dozen or so years and it hasn't skipped a beat and clearly shows any upgrades up or down the line. Cheers!
You did good with the Pass Labs, as well as the rest of the gear! The XP-20 is pretty much bullet proof. I've had mine for a dozen or so years and it hasn't skipped a beat and clearly shows any upgrades up or down the line. Cheers!

Thank you, sir. It's certainly taken a spell to get this system to where it is now.

I absolutely love that XP-20. Like the rest of the system, it stays on 24/7 and there's always something playing through the system throughout the day and night, even when I'm at work. I've had zero issues with this system. Like you said, it's bullet proof.
So I got a little something in the mail today, a pair of Blue Circle Audio PLC Pucks. I have one plugged in on each side of the system. The right one has one Martin Logan and the Wyred 4 Sound amp plugged into, the left the other Martin Logan and APC H15 power conditioner that the rest of the system is connected to.

These little things are amazing! A little wider, deeper sound stage, complete blackness in the silence of the music, absolute dead silence with me ears right up against the ML's panels, even with the volume turn up the 12 o'clock position. And there's something I'm either hearing or not hearing that I just can't describe. Whatever it is that I'm witnessing, I know I like it a lot! These little ugly Pucks (which I actually like the looks of in a strange sort of way) have made a huge improvement in the overall sound of my system. And this is only with them installed for the past two hours!

Naturally, some pics...



Still using these ..?
Is this the longest you have stayed with a pair of speakers?

Other than the GR-Research X-Statik's, yes. I ran the X-Statik's for around 5 years straight until I started swapping loudspeakers again, until of course I landed on these Maggies. The Maggies aren't going anywhere.
Speaking of the X-Statik's...

Now that I have the entire house all to myself (kicked the ex and her dumb son out a few months back), I pulled out my old faithful AV123 (GR-Research) X-Statik's with their fully upgraded crossovers and No-Rez, the Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) that I only used for a couple months before upgrading to the Auralic Altair G1 in the main system, the old faithful APC H15 that I've had for years, and a little S.M.S.L AO200 integrated amp (50w x 2 @ 8 ohms).

I got this little setup running in the master bedroom. Man, I forgot how good these X-Statik's sound tonality wise and how they image with a deep and wide sound stage. Will definitely be doing some tweaking as time goes on.

