Bob’s System Evolution

Who knows, maybe sometime I can get up to have a listen... you in bay area... or Seattle, I can't remember.
Anybody stopped to think about whos dime this site survives on? Kind of simplifies things into perspective really.
If there is a commercial factor involved, perhaps they should "pay & display"!
Who knows, maybe sometime I can get up to have a listen... you in bay area... or Seattle, I can't remember.

Portland. All(most) all are welcome! I am outside the city 20 miles, peaceful here. The Willamette Valley wine country is nearby. Your wife if she loves music is welcome too, or she can stay at the Allison Inn in wine country and do the spa and wine tasting thing while we listen to music. Anyone is welcome, there are no obligations.
Portland. All(most) all are welcome! I am outside the city 20 miles, peaceful here. The Willamette Valley wine country is nearby. Your wife if she loves music is welcome too, or she can stay at the Allison Inn in wine country and do the spa and wine tasting thing while we listen to music. Anyone is welcome, there are no obligations.

I can highly recommend the Allison Inn (my wife and I stayed there before a balloon ride across the Willamette Valley). And no, I have no commercial relationship with the Allison. :)
Sounds like fun... bit of a journey... Central Coast Cali... was thinking/hoping bay area. I know some guys who are up for road trip. One just bought a Solution amp to replace the MBLs driving his MBL speakers. Another just bought an Acoustic Signature table!

Nothing has changed on that front since this site came on line in April of 2013. Since then there have dozens of declared dealers on this site as members including original ones like Jeff of A/V Solutions.
Damn. I just checked and I joined in May 2013. Where did the time go? Sorry, end of off topic nostalgia.

It was June of 2013 that I joined. Lots of changes — including my hairline. Some turns grey, some turns loose!

Nothing has changed on that front since this site came on line in April of 2013. Since then there have dozens of declared dealers on this site as members including original ones like Jeff of A/V Solutions.

That's my point Jack. I am also one of the original members here & know exactly what Mike went through with Ivan when he started this site. I am also aware of the manufacturers, dealers & columnists. The site is "Mike's". His dime, his time. So why is this problem arising now? There is a common denominator. If I had a sub-dealer on my site promoting components from an underhanded banned dealer, I'd be a tad pissed too.
I do not believe Bobvin has ill placed intent with what he is doing. It's more of still waters run deep. I have always enjoyed his posts & the personality that came through with them. The pics are always a wow moment that deserve higher praise at times & some envy too I might add. Still waters, gentlemen....
There is a common denominator. If I had a sub-dealer on my site promoting components from an underhanded banned dealer, I'd be a tad pissed too.

That appears to be the rub and clearly some history most know nothing about. That's unfortunate. I have no dog in this, just following someone's journey, who appears to be genuine in his intentions. Hope everything gets resolved for all parties
... & know exactly what Mike went through with Ivan when he started this site.

I am also very aware of a certain person, and am so so glad that I found Mike and Audio Shark. I was sick of having to bow down and worship a demi-God just to read about and share information on an audio forum. It was flippin unreal.
I had an opportunity to audition Bobvin's fabulous audio system at his residence last evening. It was a memorable evening which allowed me to experience what the summit of audio playback can sound like. This is the BEST I have ever heard a system sound bar none! Bob has assembled an amazing system consisting of Diesis Roma speakers, Pilium electronics and DCS dac. The superb acoustics of his dedicated audio space allowed the system to really shine. I am not the best at describing what I heard but the sound was consistently dynamic, musical and engaging on all the tracks I heard. The speakers truly disappeared and it was easy to precisely place various instruments in the sound stage.
As an example, I have heard Stimela on multiple systems and it has sounded good to excellent on a lot of them -- but I have never heard it sound like it did in Bob's room. There were some subtle details that I had never heard before despite listening to it hundreds of time. This was an unforgettable experience. Needless to say, Bob is a wonderful host. Now I am definitely wanting to audition his other 2 speakers -- Alsyvox and Bayz audio speakers. If you live in the greater Portland metro area or are visiting, I highly recommend a visit -- you will be bowled over.
I had an opportunity to audition Bobvin's fabulous audio system at his residence last evening. It was a memorable evening which allowed me to experience what the summit of audio playback can sound like. This is the BEST I have ever heard a system sound bar none! Bob has assembled an amazing system consisting of Diesis Roma speakers, Pilium electronics and DCS dac. The superb acoustics of his dedicated audio space allowed the system to really shine. I am not the best at describing what I heard but the sound was consistently dynamic, musical and engaging on all the tracks I heard. The speakers truly disappeared and it was easy to precisely place various instruments in the sound stage.

As an example, I have heard Stimela on multiple systems and it has sounded good to excellent on a lot of them -- but I have never heard it sound like it did in Bob's room. There were some subtle details that I had never heard before despite listening to it hundreds of time. This was an unforgettable experience. Needless to say, Bob is a wonderful host. Now I am definitely wanting to audition his other 2 speakers -- Alsyvox and Bayz audio speakers. If you live in the greater Portland metro area or are visiting, I highly recommend a visit -- you will be bowled over.

Anshul, I am flattered you put my rig into the loftiest category… I know you’ve heard Mike Lavigne’s system/room which I consider one of the very best. To be considered in that league is an honor.

Regarding the Diesis Roma… I know there is more these can deliver — now that I think they’re pretty close to run-in I am starting to monkey around with placement. Just a couple days before your visit I pulled them out into the room another 12 - 16”, and pushed them together a few inches. I think it was an improvement, but with such large scale movement I’m sure it will improve with fine tuning.

Wrt “Stimela” Anshul requested it and I have the 45 rpm version so I got the turntable spinning, even dropping the needle for 5-7 minutes so the cartridge wouldn’t be ice cold. But, being the knucklehead I am, I forgot to turn on the CS Port phono-stage — it takes very little time to warm up but one track probably isn’t enough.

Between speaker placement and a cold phono-stage, I know things will improve. You are welcome anytime and we can listen to Alsyvox and/or Bayz.
So I had one of those "High Def" music channels playing on YouTube while I was doing some stuff online, and I happened to see this familiar picture pop up on the screen. LOL

I am also very aware of a certain person, and am so so glad that I found Mike and Audio Shark. I was sick of having to bow down and worship a demi-God just to read about and share information on an audio forum. It was flippin unreal.

I know exactly what you mean. Been there, done that. Glad I'm no longer there. LOL