AudioQuest Niagra 1000 - What the hell are you waiting for?

Mike have you ever tried a transformer coupled conditioner like the Torus products or similar designs?

I've had the Torus and BIT20 (made by Torus). Both were excellent. My APC S20 follows a similar approach (with added UPS). As I've come to understand it (and correct me if I'm wrong), but there are basically four approaches to power conditioning:

1. Transformer Coupled or similar (AudioQuest)
2. Power Regeneration (like PS Audio)
3. The use of non-active materials (Shunyata)
4. A technology which essentially sends "noise" into an unaudible band/cancellation of noise (think Bose headphones). I believe the Ansuz DTC follows this approach.

My experience has been that Power Regeneration is ideal for digital. The non-active materials approach follows the "first do no harm" and works very well. The traditional transformer coupled approach is very effective as well. I don't have enough experience with the Ansuz DTC to comment.
I am working on a balanced power unit for my digital equipment. I have read good things about this on the low level signal pieces.
Sightly off topic but does anybody know how the Audioquest fares or compares to other passive conditioners like the Audience a6R-TSSD and the Synergistic Research 10UEF ?

The new PS Audio Directstream power plant looks very promising as well!
The CPT balanced power units are very good but until they get their ownership issues worked out they are not available for sale. If you are interested in one I would keep my eye on the Underwood HiFi website as Wally will probably be the first one to get them. If you just want to run your digital gear through one the 1200 should be more than enough. I don't know if it is still available but Tyson on AC had one of his BPT units for sale for a good price.
Is BPT and CPT the same thing tech wise ? I know both are based on balanced isolation transformers, BPT is out of business and CPT is having long standing product delivery issues. Apart from that, are their other differences ?
I have both Niagra 1000 and Denali 6000T and end up using the Niagra for TV, AppleTV, cable box and a linear power supply for my reclocker. I compared it with Denali when I first installed it. I feel it’s good for the money, but 2-3 levels below Denali, which is very clearly and easily outperforms.

I am not sure what the differences are exactly other than the BPT products were always a good bit more expensive. If you are familiar with Mark's history he was not big on reinventing the wheel if he could copy something proven and change it just enough to avoid copyright rules. All I know is that it works and for the price Walter was charging a bargain. Jeff at Tone uses them in his own system as do several other reviewers.
I have both Niagra 1000 and Denali 6000T and end up using the Niagra for TV, AppleTV, cable box and a linear power supply for my reclocker. I compared it with Denali when I first installed it. I feel it’s good for the money, but 2-3 levels below Denali, which is very clearly and easily outperforms.

Thanks kzhtoo!
I have both Niagra 1000 and Denali 6000T and end up using the Niagra for TV, AppleTV, cable box and a linear power supply for my reclocker. I compared it with Denali when I first installed it. I feel it’s good for the money, but 2-3 levels below Denali, which is very clearly and easily outperforms.

Actually that is quite impressive to even be worthy of comparing. The Denali is five times the price ($5k vs $1k)... I wonder how the Niagara 5000 would compare since it is closer to the level of the Denali, only $1000 less then the 6000T.
Actually that is quite impressive to even be worthy of comparing. The Denali is five times the price ($5k vs $1k)... I wonder how the Niagara 5000 would compare since it is closer to the level of the Denali, only $1000 less then the 6000T.

Actually I wasn’t really comparing or hoping to replace Denali with Niagra. I had Denali for a few months when I bought the Niagra because I needed a few extra outlets. Just for fun, I plugged in my integrated and DAC for a few hours after I logged some break-in hours on the Niagra.

I’m also not really looking to see if Denali is 5x better because it’s 5x more expensive. In this hobby, it just doesn’t work that way.

But for the money, the Niagra is well worth it. But it won’t compete with next level well designed conditioners.
Fair enough. I doubt in my system I could appreciate the next level of conditioner. I do believe that the Niagara is giving me a very nice boost in a range that I can afford.

I am continually amazed at just how resolving the system is though. I do not feel that my loft library (the only place that my system truly fits in our house) is large enough to house a larger system anyway :)....
I'm using the 1000 also. I'm going to upgrade to the 5000 once I get a new amp I think. I've heard the difference and it's a fair amount. I have had it up against my old SR Galeleo power cell 10 with their top cord as well as a few others. I do like the Niagara best for tonality and realistic soundstage. I really love Garth's gear so far. His next products will blow us away in the same way his cords are.

There are lot's of nice conditioners on the market right now. I've found that often times it depends on your own listening room and the quality of your electrical.