AQ Diamond USB


New member
Apr 7, 2018
I've long been in the camp that *audio* cables make a difference. Yet skeptical about USB and Ethernet.

Like many of us though I couldn't resist. And to some degree I'm also in the camp "everything has potential to make a difference / system synergy counts". So now I manage to have collected a few "high end" USB cables.

Latest acquisition: AQ Diamond USB. Never been an AQ fan, having tried several of their top or close-to cables in other places of my system (digital, ICs, speaker) and quickly replaced them.

Have to say though, I hear a surprisingly noticeable improvement with the Diamond USB. Maybe it's my imagination. I don't have the patience to blind test and I'd just as soon be blissful in my ignorance/placebo effect anyway.

AQ Diamond impressions: everything sounds more relaxed and natural and less fatiguing. Soundstage seems to have gotten a bit deeper front to back. I'm hesitant to pull out these overused tropes but honestly for the first time in a while they seem to apply.
Nice to read this. I am trying out the Coffees USB. A friend loaned them to me. He wants the Diamonds, but he is trying to find a deal, used or demos.
My friend did purchase the Diamonds and he says he likes them a lot. I am happy with the Coffee. Vastly better than the medium to lower level Wireworld that I was using.
I enjoy using the Diamond. I also like the WW digital cables. To me they are making the best ones right now IMHO. It will be interesting to see what the next round of digital cables from AQ will bring us. I do feel that the Light Harmonic cable is better, but ti's a ton more and not that much better. I do like the AQ stuff.

Just received the AQ Carbon.

I agree with the OP jmusica

"AQ Diamond impressions: everything sounds more relaxed and natural and less fatiguing. Soundstage seems to have gotten a bit deeper front to back".
I do love the Diamond. I have had some of the much more exotics in and they sound different, but not necessarily better. I"m very excited about the future of AQ as the cables and cords that Garth has produced are superior to anything I've had in my system so far and that include the top Echole power cord that a friend brought over. For ethernet my favorite is still the newest top WW Platinum I believe it is called. I also use a special hospital filter that I find cleans up things greatly.

Funny thing is that I get my server/dac back in the next week or two. Since the DAC is hard wired, I may be selling the USB cable, lol. The only input may be the optical from the TV feed. Digital is crazy as it sounds different in every house due to the electrical noise on your line. I think this is when you have wild views on cables.
USB cable upgrades have made a profound difference in the SQ of my system. Far more impactful than analog interconnects.
Mine kept getting a bit better all the way up to 250 (yes I journal like an idiot, lol). It was very very subtle, but even the wife heard it as it was mostly in the soundstage. My system throws a realistic and large (when recorded) stage, so YMMV.
The more I try the more I think that everything needs break in. As an example, my new custom computer, Music Server I have noticed the initial brightness and very slightly harsh. Sound stage seemed a tad cramped... but with more playing it is opening up. Smoothing out and sound stage is definitely moving into the realm of amazing... I have no answers as to why a computer, playing file through Roon and well broken in AQ Coffee USB cables would need time to sound its best, but it definitely does :)....
I have AQ Diamond USB & Ethernet. Though I've not heard all of the cable brands out there, they are the best in their categories in my experience.