Audio Research 160M

Mike, Buddy, how has break-in been with the 160s? Any anomalies, or mostly linear? Have you noticed consistent improvement -- because out-of-the-box they are pretty f_ing amazing!

The break in is much more subtle with the 160’s. Great out of the box and getting better. Admittedly, I haven’t tried them much in Ultralinear mode. Triode mode is just so delicious. I still have the 160’s at home (selfishly). They’re wonderful in Triode mode on the AG’s. But they will have to go back to the store (one day). :(
When my 160s finally arrive, I plan to use a Shunyata Denali 2000t, with a pair of Analog Alpha cables. The Denali will be connected to a dedicated 20 amp circuit with a Sigma analog cable. Of course, I’ll ultimately listen without the Denali inline, but it has been an improvement with my Ref75.

Bob-How did the sound improve from plugging your Ref 75 straight into the wall?
Yes ..... the issue has been resolved and thank you for reminding me!
Both my amps and Mike’s exhibited a pop through the speakers when turing them off (in triode mode only).
Mike communicated the findings with ARC and they quickly deployed a solution.
They sent him a small box that when plugged into a circuit board internally combined with a power sequence applied an update that eliminated the issue.

All works perfectly now and there are no pops to be heard. It also should be noted that this only is revealed on very high sensitivity speakers.

How loud is loud? Is will hurt your speakers? coz I do have a pop as well but not too loud
How loud is loud? Is will hurt your speakers? coz I do have a pop as well but not too loud

Not loud and not relevant anymore. All amps in the field have been fixed and all new ones shipping obviously have the fix.

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Bob-How did the sound improve from plugging your Ref 75 straight into the wall?

Initially I didn't hear a dramatic improvement—nothing like when I put the Triton v3 in my system. In my case the Denali improvements were much more subtle, less noise just seemed perhaps to bring the music more into focus. When I had my audio buddies over they all seemed to think my system was sounding better than it ever had.

Just wait until they hear the 160Ms!
Initially I didn't hear a dramatic improvement—nothing like when I put the Triton v3 in my system. In my case the Denali improvements were much more subtle, less noise just seemed perhaps to bring the music more into focus. When I had my audio buddies over they all seemed to think my system was sounding better than it ever had.

Just wait until they hear the 160Ms!

Thanks Bob.
OK, I've had a couple nights of listening now with the 160s... got 'em on StillPoints (like I had the Ref75) and a couple new amps stands from Core Audio. Each listening session is just fantastic. I am a huge fan of the Ref75, it is an amp that punches way, way above its weight class, and I have had many, many nights of sonic bliss with that amp -- many times thinking this is good enough, it'll take huge money to get maybe a bit more from my system. Enter the REF 160M mono-blocks. Granted, the price delta between them and the little REF75 isn't trivial, but I can honestly say they are better in every way, which is to say ARC has produced one of the finest amps I've ever heard in the 160s.

Tonally the 160s are a touch richer, with substantially better bass in terms of depth, weight, and resolution. Even my wife says there is much more space between instruments, they are more clearly defined in the soundstage. Depth of soundstage is improved, with vastly improved three-dimensionality (layering). I can't say the top end is more extended as my hearing way up high isn't what it once was, but there is clearly more resolution.

I am smitten. Usually the audio boner subsides once the new gear is in place, but these new amps are like starting an affair with a supermodel, I keep coming back for more. (Not that I have ever had an affair with a supermodel, but it sounds good, right?)

I feel like the benefits of my acoustic remodel are allowing me to fully experience just how great these new amps are. As an example, I have heard Jennifer Warnes "Way Down Deep" many times, on many systems. The Dag SS amps with Alexias really plumbed the depths with this song, and showed off the low bass cababilities of the Alexias, but I had never heard the Dag amps in my room. With the 160s I am hearing all that I ever heard with the Dags, and I'll argue perhaps a bit more, but that could easily be a result of the room. Then there is the whole triode mode thing... I am just tinkering with this and on ballads or, for example, female jazz vocalists the "in the room" illusion is stunning.

I wish y'all could stop by for a listen.
Great news Bob! The 160s are terrific amps and are a great match for the Alexias. Enjoy the music!
I feel...... something, justified, validated, proud, whatever, LOL I knew from my listen at Axpona the 160M was something special. There were a few threads here on the 160M's and I made some claims. I even declared the Axpona set up with the 160M's my best of show. I know at leas 3 members who have the 160M's and seem to love them. I just think it's cool I nailed the 160M's and to have those who agree to the extent to vote with the pocket book.
I think he likes them ;-)

I listened for a while last night with my wife... she is quite amazed how much more powerful the sound is, far more so than just upping the watts. We listened to “ Pictures at an Exhibition” (Mussorsky) on vinyl. I was pinned to my chair—these amps are something special.

Reading great reviews after purchasing offers a nice dose of “yeah, what he said!”
Spent some valuable time listening to these gems over the weekend. Just love them. Can’t believe how musical they are. Triode mode is delicious!

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Guys, I read this entire string tonight and have been sitting here drooling just thinking about it! Congratulations to all who’ve made the jump to the 160’s. I heard them on demo at my local dealer here in Dallas and was completely blown away by them! They were demonstrated on an all ARC setting with Alexia’s and OH Man! I think, no, I know it was the best ARC sound I’ve heard. It so effortlessly brought everything you could want as the three owners have described here. I too lust for them Bob! By the way, as most demo’s go the presenters bring their best CD’s or streamed music to play. We asked him to put some vinyl on and he very willingly obliged and put this Satchmo Plays King Oliver album on; I nearly fell out of my seat it was so holographic and real! Give it a listen on your 160’s, and congratulations again!



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Hi Larry - Nice update. Indeed the 160s are really special. Hope all is well.
Hello Mike, very good to chat with you again. Always a very nice pleasure! I trust all is good with you too! How is your system doing? I cant imagine what your kit is composed of now, but I’m sure it’s exquisite.

Reference 160M reviewed in October Stereophile... has anyone seen this review yet? Conclusion?

I’m not current in my Stereophile subscription—but curious if the review is as positive as the two I’ve seen from across the pond.
Reference 160M reviewed in October Stereophile... has anyone seen this review yet? Conclusion?

I’m not current in my Stereophile subscription—but curious if the review is as positive as the two I’ve seen from across the pond.

Very positive review. Used with Alexia 2 and Ref 6 preamp. Compared to DAG progression amps.