new rack


New member
Mar 15, 2018
I moved my rig from the living room into a spare bedroom recently due to new grand kids . I ordered a new 5 shelf rack with 2" thick maple shelves , it looks really nice . Problem is that I have been chasing a slight rise in the upper midrange that drives me nuts since the move . I don't really critique the bass or the highs much but if the midrange sucks , it just sucks . Tried different kind of footers / tip toes , changed cables ( Cardas , Vansevers , Tara , Audioquest , Gabriel Gold , Zu , etc ) . The midrange glare was still there . Tried hanging blankets , treated first reflection points to no avail . Finally gave up for a while as I just couldn't stand to listen to it . I wound up getting an Adona 5 shelf rack based on the construction of their multi - layered shelves . It is like night and day . Same equipment , same speaker placement , etc . All the glare is now gone but was a little soft on the highs . Took out the Cardas and Vansevers and installed some Tara and some Nordost and bam , everything is now right in my world . I don't really want to start a war about cables and such but I have been using them for tone controls for a long time . I think it proves one again that everything matters . BTW.....System is PS Audio , Ayon , Cary , First Watt or Bottle Head 300B and Tekton . Cheers all .
obviously with a room change comes a sound change, that's a given. You have therefore re-established your system synergy !
Thanks for the feed back .Yes , the room always makes a difference and in my case when I moved to the smaller room it gave me more bass . I was trying to point out the huge difference a rack can make . My original setup in the living room was a TV unit with 3 glass shelves and a spine with a 55" tv mounted to it . The 3 glass shelves were replaced with 3 custom made oak plywood shelves which ( after some tweeking ) sounded as nice as could expected . The midrange was right with no obvious weaknesses elsewhere . I still cant get over the horrible upper midrange glare I got from the maple rack . Maybe it was from the threaded steel rods it used as support ? It was the first time I changed racks with no other changes , I was floored . The maple rack will probably sound great in some systems but I can say this , the Adona rack is glorious in mine . Cheers .
all well and good but the 'real' issue with sound differentiation and your rack is ......... where it is located in your room with regard to speaker and listening position.
What have we learned here... that changing any part of your system will affect the sound.