My P3ESR's....

Jerome W

Active member
Apr 5, 2013
Near Paris, France
I could not resist the temptation any longer to try my P3ESR's in one of my other system.

So I tried them in the DeVore Super 8's system. The room is huge and opened everywhere. A nightmare for any speaker.

And guess what happened ?

While the Super 8's could hardly qualify for the ideal stand for little bookshelf speakers, the P3ESR's killed my beloved Devore's ! What would happen with dedicated stands ??
And they did not only killed them. They burried them. And they started to shout everywhere that DeVore Super 8's are a lie.

Do you know how the french lovers club of the LS3/5 A speaker call it ? The " Bitch ".
Why ? Because it kills every other speaker you put next to her.

I won't detail the sound and why I do not want to listen to the Super 8's anymore since I got the P3ESR.
The ones who want to know will have to listen to both of them in my house.

Amplifier is the MAC1500 receiver with NOS RCA 7591 tubes. An integrated which uses a simplified version of the MC 225 amplifier. Very similar to the MA230 integrated.

Source is the Rega P9 TT, with DENON DL103 Expert Stylus Co. And Auditorium 23 Standard 103 SUT.

Please do not misunderstand me.
DeVore Super 8's are great great speakers.
Harbeth P3ESR's are just MUCH MUCH better to my ears. Their performance is simply out of this world.

Thanks for reading.


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Jerome. Please do detail the sound for us...

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Ok Chris.
Just for Audioshark.
The first difference is in the coherence.
With the P3, you really get the feeling that you are listening to only one driver.
Second difference : the Mids. The Harbeths just smoke the DeVore's here. Listening again to the Super 8's, all the transparency vanishes. You get the feeling that a very thick wool cover was put on the speaker. The resolution, the clarity, the finesse : disappeared.
Third difference : the bass. The DeVore's need a wall behind them to produce decent bass. The P3ESR do not care. Moreover even when compared to the bass of the Super 8's in optimal position, the bass of the P3 is fullest, deepest, and with a better slam. How do they do produce such a quality bass from such a tiny box and driver ?? I have zero clue.
4th difference : Weight and Image. When you listen yo the P3, you get the impression to listen to a much bigger speaker than the Super 8's. Again, I have no idea how they can do that.
5th difference : richness and finesse of timbres. Night and day difference. From bass to treble.

Sorry to say that because I will have to sell the Super 8's now : they just sound like a Walt Mart system compared to the P3ESR's.

Sorry John if you read me.

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Like CD said, those Tyler's are very good stands. I bought a pair about ten years ago for use with the Reynaud Trente and still have them. Just curious since they are native to you if you have listened to any of the Reynaud speakers and your opinion of them especially compared to Harbeth, Spendor, Devore, etc.


Like CD said, those Tyler's are very good stands. I bought a pair about ten years ago for use with the Reynaud Trente and still have them. Just curious since they are native to you if you have listened to any of the Reynaud speakers and your opinion of them especially compared to Harbeth, Spendor, Devore, etc.


I still want to listen to them ( Reynaud )
I listened to a few JMR and was never able to fall in love with them. I did not listen to the Offrande though.
The bass was good, especially when using a transmission line. Clarity was great. But they did not "sing" to me.

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I owned at one time the Twins, Trente and the 4th version of the Offrande that was reviewed in ETM and PF. I still plan on buying the newest (7th) version the Offrande Supreme V2 latter in the year.

Paul I am still not sure why there is not a dealer in Canada. Maybe you can convince one of your dealer "friends" to contact Bob or Mr. Reynaud and bring a pair in for a test drive.
I think I mentioned the something solid stands to you before, but they seem a very popular combination among UK owners, but I suspect Alan Shaw is right, just get the tweeters at ear hight and enjoy!

Great write up, and I'd agree with what you said on the other thread about tubes, they really bring out the best. I had my Accuphase E450 driving mine briefly during some room rearrangement, and while I totally understand why many would love the combination, to my ears the ability of the Harbeths respond best to valves. Both voices and guitar take on a naturalness that I don't imagine tiring of! One of several reasons my new pre is a Croft is that Glenn apparently uses Harbeths to voice his amps, and they do indeed pair remarkably well. Seems we can still do some things right in Britain :)

And hi Jax (matt off flickr :) )
Great Choice Jeromé --yes while the Devores are very good Speakers

I agree with you the Harbeths are another class.
