Franco Serblin Interview (1992)

Thanks for the link. A fascinating read. Particularly this line: "the difference between European and American style... In Europe, the most important thing is the music; more important than owning a big amplifier or loudspeaker is having "a small corner [in which] to listen to the music you like."

True words. In the constant pursue of "bigger, bolder, louder, more expensive" we forget the fundamental raison d'etre of this hobby in the first place: to actually "listen to the music we like". Some of the speakers that have come to the hi-end marketplace in recent years border on the obscene and ridiculous (and I am not talking about the price!), and one wonders what type of mansion one would need to be secluded in in order to be able to enjoy them properly. I wonder what Serblin thought of the Aida...
Whether he liked the Aida or not, I would like to think he saw it as a sketch into a new way of delivering music. Just my take...

Nice Avatar Esteban. :)
Only 1 Esteban I know of with a Beksinski.

Thanks, everybody! John, didn't know you appreciated Beksinski! Glad to hear that. One of my favorites artists, for sure, right up there with Giger and Dalí. I was lucky enough to purchase one of his signed limited editions of "The Horn Player" right before they sold out. One of my most precious possessions, along with my audio gear.
Esteban... Welcome!!! Glad you found us. I hope you grace our pages with some of your pictures. You are a very talented photographer.