Talk me out of a devialet 200....

Talk me out....

Tough to do, it is supposed to be an exceptional product especially being used in an all digital system.
I'm about to pull the trigger on one. Anybody think it's a bad idea?

Check with Dewey. He has dual mono 800's.

From what I have heard/seen many people are not 100% happy with the sound. I know 3 people that have found it really different and just never got used to it... two of them have dumped theirs. Dewey is the last holdout.

[...] From what I have heard/seen many people are not 100% happy with the sound. I know 3 people that have found it really different and just never got used to it... two of them have dumped theirs.


+1, also know a number of folks who purchased a Devialet but sold them on a short time later. I guess we can say that about other audio solutions too - but the short tenure was an alarm for me.

Longer term ownership is not something captured by audio reviews. It is easy to be caught up in Devialets beauty, ease of use, flexibility, wonderful volume control and its clean cut crystalline HiFi sound - only later to discover its not right for you.
+1, also know a number of folks who purchased a Devialet but sold them on a short time later. I guess we can say that about other audio solutions too - but the short tenure was an alarm for me.

Longer term ownership is not something captured by audio reviews. It is easy to be caught up in Devialets beauty, ease of use, flexibility, wonderful volume control and its clean cut crystalline HiFi sound - only later to discover its not right for you.

I looked at your virtual audio system, and you seem to have gone through a lot of gear, so I don't understand the alarm.

I'm looking forward to trying a 200 in my system and using the SAM file for my speakers.

From what I've read on the Devialet forum, I should expect a break in period for the unit, but that's par for the course.

If it doesn't work out in my system, I'll move on just like others on this forum have done many times before.
Mauidan - welcome and looking forward to your impressions.

Ralph (Kiwi) - having had the 200 and 800 in my system, I think the main reason people would move on from the Devialet is the ecosystem mentality. The Devialet works very well if you use its DAC and phonostage and digital inputs only. The A-D-A conversion is bad - at best. So go digital out into the Devialet's digital in and you're fine (with the exception of the phonostage which is actually quite good). But, if you want to try out the latest and greatest DAC, forget about it. It will sound poor. Want to use the DSD DAC in your Esoteric K-01? Forget about it. It will sound poor.

Prior to my review, I remember reading how much effort Devialet put into their phonostage. The ability to use different RIAA curves was also nice - especially for older LP's.

On both units I had, they ran out of steam way way to fast. It could have been the difficult load from the Raidho's....not sure. But even the 800 started sputtering and hissing at about 93db. Devialet said there was something wrong with that unit. They said the same about the 200 as well. Hmmm....

If either unit performed to spec, I would have probably bought it. Because when it worked - it sounded terrific. And the remote is fantastic as well.

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I would suggest a demo before making a purchase with the Devialet. I did this, and found that the amp was quite nice but the dac was not much chop. My Esoteric K-03 killed it. I'm surprised they use the same dac stage in all their models, rather than give you improvements as you go to the higher models.
I would suggest a demo before making a purchase with the Devialet. I did this, and found that the amp was quite nice but the dac was not much chop. My Esoteric K-03 killed it. I'm surprised they use the same dac stage in all their models, rather than give you improvements as you go to the higher models.

maybe, although plenty of people think it's a first class DAC. BUT, one of the things that's really attractive about a devialet is that much of it is software based. This means firmware upgrades can technically replace what would normally be a full component upgrade. Instead of buying next years model, just install the new firmware. That's pretty appealing from my perspective.
Can you get the 800, I always wanted to try one in my system at an opportune moment :)
Can you get the 800, I always wanted to try one in my system at an opportune moment :)

No problem. Let me just gen up my kick starter donation campaign and should be good to go in a few weeks. What can I put you down for? :rolleyes:
maybe, although plenty of people think it's a first class DAC. BUT, one of the things that's really attractive about a devialet is that much of it is software based. This means firmware upgrades can technically replace what would normally be a full component upgrade. Instead of buying next years model, just install the new firmware. That's pretty appealing from my perspective.

Oh hey don't get me wrong, I think they're great and there's a hundred reasons to buy one including the software updates. But this is no substitute for a hardware update, and the Devialet is a convenience product. If Esoteric's mid-level dac outperforms it, then I would say it's a good dac but not great.
Hey jax......looking forward to your youtube vid. :congrats:

I almost pulled the trigger on one for myself or I actually did but...... it didn't pan out. (long story) Good luck.
Hey Cisco. Thanks. Definitely will be posting a video. And will be posting my written impressions here.
I have to say that I found the recent, rather extreme buzz for Devialet somehow exaggerated - especially the review/post from Soundstage Ultra.

The following is my perspective as a dealer of Devialet amongst other brands.

The Devialet's are remarkable machines - no doubt, incorporating a lot of new thinking wrapped up into a beautiful, fully integrated unit which representes the very essence of plug-and-play. It does indeed point out a new, alternative direction within high-end audio. That said, they're not for everyone - which some reviewers seems to ignore. Like everything else, there are pros and cons to this product, where it will not be to everyone's liking.

First of all, it's a more or less closed eco-system. For some, that's the hole point if you buy into the Devialet philosophy and/or if you're looking at seriously downsizing your system. Second, there are strong competition which offers performance at least as good - if not better. The Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 comes directly to mind. Third, placing the Devialet side by side with most tube based amplifiers out there will give you a quite different result - for better or worse (you decide). Finally, the end result will always rely on careful matching with your speakers (SAM or not...) and the rest of your system incl. cables, support etc. within the limits and challenges of your particular room.

Again, the Devialet needs to be put in context and direct comparision with the competition. They do not offer one universal truth that speaks to everyone.

/ Marcus
Soundstageultra's Changing-of-the-High-End-Guard, is not a review, but I can see how a dealer like you would feel threatened by it.

One little box replacing a High-End preamp, phono stage, DAC, amp and all those expensive cables.
Dan, I'm trying to give you an honest opinion here. Believe it - or not.

All I'm saying is that Devialet isn't the solution to every need, preference or desire.

Soundstageultra's Changing-of-the-High-End-Guard, is not a review, but I can see how a dealer like you would feel threatened by it.

One little box replacing a High-End preamp, phono stage, DAC, amp and all those expensive cables.