MSB Reference vs CH C1.2


New member
Apr 27, 2024
Hi all members.
I have a Sonus Faber iL Cremonese ex3me and driving it with CH M1.1 and a MSB Reference Dac-Pre. I came to CH becouse Gryphon’s power rating is a bit short for sonus faber and i felt CH is more relaxed,refined and detailed.After coming from Gryphon Essence pre power combo i am not happy with the soundstage depth and scale.Maybe it is the difference of class A to AB or lack of active pre amp. I am a stream guy. I listen qobuz and tidal over roon.So i have two questions to ask .

1.My dealer offers to change the Msb dac with a C1.2 with stream card and tells me to use it as a pre amp. Then add a x1 powersupply.The snergy of being the same brand will be better than msb m1.1 combo. Sounds great but i read that most of the peple says dac’s pre will never be good as active pre amp like L1. I am on a budget now so is it better to go with L1 and add a relativly good dac from another brand OR get the C1.2 and solve it in one box and add X1 power supply with that budget.?

2.Or keep the MSB Reference as dac and stream only and add an L1 pre amp to drive M1.1 power amp?mIs MSB reference a better dac than Ch C1.2?

The CH would be a very Different sound than the MSB. If you like the MSB have you thought of adding a MSB amp?

I am in the camp using a preamp is better in most instance. If I'm not mistaken MSB maybe the exception, I've heard them with DAC to power amp and the sound was very good.

What problem are you having with your speakers? If it's power changing the DAC will do nothing.

I'm a fan of MSB but I suspect the synergy with SF wouldn't be as good as other speakers. Another approach would be to swap the SF for something like Magico. I know that combo works IMO.
Never had MSB but had and have lots of chp. An l1 will do more than using c1 as pre/streamer.
Thank you. So adding L1 is better upgrade than adding X1 to dac than? Dou you think it is that bad to use C1.2 as a pre at least for some time? I can use it that way and then add a L1 in the future. Or maybe keep msb and buy a L1 for pre.
Thank you.
You said they will sound diiferent for msb and ch dacs. What may be the difference to be expected?I tough both CF will make a synergy.
Msb amps are out of my reach cause the dealer here in istanbul does not carry them in stock.
I had problem with the speaker with gryphon because of lacking power.
Finding the words is difficult but the CHP DAC will be less analog and less warm by comparison. Neither are bad they are just different. I personally haven't heard anything to compare the MSB sound to they just sort of have their own sound.
If I understand your original post you became unhappy when adding the CHP so going further into CHP doesn't seem to make sense to me. You should consider when you became unsatisfied and remove that piece and try again.

Maybe Mike can chime in and give suggestions of other amp brands that work well with MSB.
You should ask your dealer to bring the CH stuff he wants to sell you for home audition in your system.

IMO there is no way to tell what will sound better in your system.
I had C1 with M1 mono and then bought X1 bring C1 to another lever, but later when I bought L1 C1 sounded better, with more aire and transparency
So i suggect to buy or try L1 And then add a day you prefer
Thank you. I am npw using C1.2+ X1 + M1.1 and i have never heard a huge soundstage like this before. Refinment and detail are top class. Ch tech team told me to use C1.2 volume from -25db to 0db which is the analog sweetspot of the volume control. To obtain this range they told me to decrease the gain of to m1.1 around -6db and now it is even beter.
I sure will try L1 but will be suprised if the sound will go further than this :)